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Scott sacrifice The audio recording ended with a reference saying this is task 1 Scott sacrifice
Rüyamda inşaat kazılırken içerden selçuklu dönemine ait mezar çıkıyor, kazı durduruluyor. İnşaat başka bi yere taşınacak deniyor
I very graphically turned into a man. I was looking at myself in the mirror crying watching myself change. I was asking people to help me saying i didnt want to be a man but they said there was nothing i could do and to just let it happen. It stressed me out a lot.
Rüyamda evi yaptırıyordum ev yerine bir garaj inşaa ettiler. Sonra zaman geçti derken gittim güzel bir araba aldım elektrikli araba çok güzeldi. Eve geldim bizimkilere gösterip onlarla karşıyaka’ya gittik. Yağmurluydu, bi de ev yapılmadan önce bahçede bulunan zehirli tohumları çöpe attım.
i saw my dog that we had to put down last week. I went running toward her because i was so happy, but when i got to her it was a different dog. It looked like her but it was disproportionate and its fur was blacker than hers. I tried to touch it but it growled and tried to bite me. I started to back away but it followed me, growling. After running away for a while the dream ended.
Rüyamda sevdiğim kişi benden nefret ediyordu
كنت عم بستغفر ونمت حلمت انه والدتي المتوفيه ماتت مره تانيه بمكان واسع مشمس وانا كإني من بعيد او من فوق بتطلع عليها وهي متوفيه ونساء لابسين ابيض وبيج وزهري فاتح وهي عليها غطاء بالزهر البارد الي كانت تحبه ووجها مرفوع وايديها على صدرها كانها نايمه نومه مريحه مش ميته واي شايلينها وماشيين كانهم بغنو تاني يوم لما صحيت سمعت فيديو الاستغفار وكان فيه اجوبه على كل مشاكلي والاسئله الي بتدور ببالي لما افكر استغفر او اعبد ربنا فسرته: انه هاي مرحله جديده من حياتي بطريقي انتقال لمستوى افضل وفي تخطيط لمستقبلي
صارلي ٣ ايام بتعب وتفكير فجأه اليوم ٢٨ الشهر صحيت كل الكلام ايجابي راستحقاق عالي واغاني وبدي ارقص وسمعت ذبذبات جذب وتجلي اموال قبل كم يوم قلت خلص ما بدي معجبين يا بيجي عالبيت يا بلاش وصرت احس الاكلام الي بقرأه عند فيري قديم انا سابقته ما بدي اضيع وقتي خلص ما بدي تنظيف او ارجع للماضي ولاده جديده جمل بتلغي برمجات بدي اشياء جديدة من كتر الخير الي بحياتي مو ملحقه سعاده وفرح
Bi iş yerinde çalıştığım adam çok garip bir insandı kötü görünümlü ama matematik bilen birisiydi. Bununla benim diğer arkadaş grubumba kahvede konuştukça konuştuk. Akşam oldu bi aparman damından onun sözlerini dinleme çalıştım, yokluktan bahsediyordu insanların fakirliğinden. Adam normal günlerde ders anlatıyordu derlikte sürekli yılan yumurtası vardı, pis bir yerdi. Sonra uyuya kaldım esir düştüğümü ve atlara bakan adamın o olduğunu gördüm. Nöbetçiler bana eziyet ediliyordu
I went to work today and I am so tired
My name is Sophie
iPhone 4 Won an iPhone 4 and everyone was super hyped for me but I didn’t really want it because my phone is better… I was like wooo yayyyy.. can’t wait to switch haha…
Moving Dreamt I was moving constantly. Started out at Anna’s house and her mom was super sweet but I had to go to college. I lived in a tiny dorm in Corbin for a minute and never ever met any of my residents once. Moved to Aubree’s apartment momentarily and a few other places I don’t recognize. It was all in all so frustrating and awful. I always felt like my stuff was in the way and I could never keep it organized and clean in these people’s spaces. It was super embarrassing and I felt like major major dead weight. It never really stopped and the plot never really advanced it was just stress the whole time
Asa’s mom the fuck Asa’s mom looked at me and said that it was nice to see me eat a normal amount for once. She said that we were already both aware of how she used to hate me (??) for my lack of energy and lack of appetite, but that it seems like I’ve been growing and changing for the better. She then made me do a huge huge amount of dishes.
Misc. Dream Weird jumble of a dream. Walked past 525 with Jeremy and Nadia from my high school. I told them it was split into 3 units (like Aubree’s apartment) and they were amazed and didn’t understand how it was possible. We got into a lot of lunch lines. At one point Jeremy and I went to sit on a lawn chair and we got followed by multiple people. Tyson was there, Claire Winston might have been there, etc. There was a running theme throughout the dream where I was searching for two matching socks. I couldn’t find two white crew socks for the life of me. While searching for the socks I had the feeling that I was making everyone late to band rehearsal or late to church. Had an image of Jordan Felich laughing at me. By the end of the dream we were crossing the street and walking down an alley to get ice cream from this very sketchy looking place. I didn’t have any shoes on, it was just my white socks. I had my sweatpants pulled down over my heels to hide it w little bit.
Old Navy Dreamed that we went Black Friday shopping and there were so many pj pants and winter coats to choose from and people were pushing and shoving all around us
License and multiple cameos Went to get my license renewed in Lawrence but didn’t bring any of my information with me and so they basically had to just turn me around and tell me to go home. Problem is I walked there, so I now had to walk all the way back on my own. It was about 5 miles. I decided to run, because that felt better than walking. I was going to go through this woodsy area, but I quickly decided not to when I saw a bobcat with antlers in the path. As I was running, Josh Ryan (kid from my high school) yelled my name from behind me on the road. He was biking and recognized me from behind. He slammed on the breaks right next to me and was like omg what’s UP man. I was honestly stoked to see him and I was kind of surprised that he recognized me and felt comfortable enough to say hi. He asked why I was running and I explained that I didn’t have a ride. He couldn’t give me one cause he was biking but he kind of walked with me for a while until we had to go separate ways. I kept running and it started to rain. I was on 15th street heading towards campus. Olivia Vanleburg from the 1st grade ran up to me from behind. She was also on a run. She was wearing real cats around her ankles as if they were socks, and one of them reached out and scratched me pretty bad (her cat was the first one to ever scratch me in real life so this makes sense) She was passing by my house anyways, so she ran with me all the way home. It was pouring rain by the time we made it home. Cena also was there all of a sudden when we got to the house. It was a really shitty house and had a ton of leaks in it and was super rickety and weird. Anna was outside trying to hang something up on the porch. I gave her “sorry I didn’t tell you people were coming over” eyes and then showed Olivia and Cena around the house. They thought it was the cutest thing ever even though it looked like trash tbh. Eventually they left and there were a few random people in the house all of a sudden. One of them was Isabella Perkins. She was really rude to me at first but then after a minute she decided to do my makeup and help me upgrade my looks. She had me do a series of lip glosses which were meant to layer into something really nice. It was like 5 of them so I was feeling very goopy. She also did something to make my forehead look smaller and something to make my eyes look better. She tried putting a white powder on my nose and under-eyes but I thought it looked like shit. Sydney Fox was there eventually, even though she didn’t say much or do much.
Jo and Ethan in my mothers house Came into consciousness in my mother’s bathroom. I felt as though I had been insanely high the night before. I didn’t remember anything about how I got there and, despite wearing day clothes, I could tell it was the morning and that I had not slept anywhere but had just been standing in this bathroom all night. When I walked out, Jo and Ethan were laying on my mom’s gross red couch. They had slept there. I couldn’t tell if Jo was really Jo at first, but then the dream kinda just cleared up and it wasn’t a question anymore. Both Esther, John, and my mom were completely gone. I have no idea why or where they were. I felt embarrassed that I had been in the bathroom that whole time because like that’s such a weird thing to do and they must have noticed and said something about it to each other. Anna was no where to be found. I asked Jo and Ethan if they had seen her but they both just looked really concerned and said no. I tried pulling up her location but she had completely blocked me for some reason and I couldn’t see anything. My head was spinning and trying to understand why the fuck I couldn’t remember anything from the night before and why the fuck we were in my mom’s house. I went outside in a panic and for some reason walked over to my neighbors house, Susan Taylor. I didn’t go in but I did stand outside for a minute and talked with her adult daughter, asking if she’d seen Anna leave or anything. She said no, and kept trying to keep up the conversation even though I really wanted to go. When I got back to the house, Jo and Ethan were still on the red couch and I felt incredibly embarrassed for how it probably smelled and felt. I felt embarrassed about the whole house but I couldn’t really say anything at this point because they had already slept there. I thought a lot about how in gods name I would explain this to Aubree or Hannah. How the FUCK did I not remember anything??? It didn’t seem like me to completely forget the previous night, and it made me feel super out of control and panicked. The overarching theme of the dream was just pure panic. I think we went to get McDonalds or something and I played it off enough to just get out of the situation and go home. Wanted to actually pass away. When I woke up I was like surprised that this one was a dream which normally isn’t how I feel about it.
Child in road Was crossing the street and saw this tiny little baby underneath someone’s car who was at a stoplight. I pulled him out from under there and asked him where his parents were or how he got there. He didn’t know anything and had a pretty limited vocabulary since he was so young. I went into multiple stores on this street and asked if his parents were in there but we couldn’t find them until I tried a bar/casino place. His parents were incredibly nonchalant about it and said that they hadn’t noticed at all. I left him with them because there was not much else I could do. Eventually saw him again in Marie’s yard basically passed out from heat exhaustion. I hopped the fence and cradled him in my arms all the way back to his parents. I SCREAMED at them about how they had lost him again and how they were shitty parents and should not be allowed to have children. They said nothing and had extremely blank states the whole time. I called CPS.
Analisa Grad Party Also was at a grad party for this one girl from my high school named Analisa and I was very flustered the whole time cause she’s really pretty and I 100% had a crush on her all through high school. Not much happened during this dream besides being there and just looking around though
Podcast Bear Then I also dreamt about being on a hike and seeing a bear and knowing I was supposed to be hunting and was supposed to shoot it but I didn’t want to so we became friends and listened to podcasts and it was a nice bear
Moving is ILLEGAL Dreamt i was moving and had to load up a bunch of my things from a classmates mom’s house (not sure how they got there) and into this pickup truck. For some reason moving items in broad daylight was illegal in this city and so cops kept coming by and either giving me tickets for it or being very suspicious about me moving. At one point all my siblings were in the truck and they had to act like they all lived in it and like showed this one cop how they laid down to sleep to “prove” that we’d been living like that for a while and were NOT moving. I think we decided we were going to go to Maryland to live with my grandma but we didn’t get that far yet because my car (not a pickup truck anymore I guess) needed an oil change before we could drive all the way out there Also the mom ran over an oven with her car somehow
Zeke confrontation Somehow ended up talking to Zeke. He asked if Hannah was “still being pissy.” I replied by asking if he was still being manipulative and scary. He said he never had been, and that Hannah had seriously wronged him. After a little bit of back and forth on the matter, I told him that I hope he’s safe and works on himself but that he is also the most delusional slimey disgusting person ever and that I hope he’s miserable with himself. I think this took place in Hannah’s old bedroom at his house
Awful Threesome — TW: sexual assault lol Okay TERRIBLE dream and I just want to say this was NOT ENJOYABLE AND ALSO VERY VULNERABLE TO SHARE. Trigger warning for sexual assault. Got roped into having a threesome with Sara Sparling and some guy she was dating in the dream named Michael. There wasn’t a lot of lead up, it was just like all of a sudden we were all naked and having sex. Michael had gross ass lips and just like weakly slugged his tongue around in a way that made me want to vomit. I hated being naked in that scenario and wanted to escape so bad but felt like I couldn’t. He “fingered” me and it was so bad I basically couldn’t feel anything at all, like couldn’t even tell if he was inside me. At one point I reached down to feel and realized he was pulling his penis out of me and had come INSIDE ME. When I asked him if he’s used a condom he said no and laughed and thought it was really funny. I hadn’t even known he had started fucking me. I did not find it funny. I told him I was ovulating and would almost certainly get pregnant from this. He kept laughing and said that would suck for me, but he’d be gone so he didn’t really care. At this point I got up to try to shower it off and clean myself up and realized that the bedroom door was opened, and at the end of the hall was Mrs Sparling who had watched the whole sexual experience and was still staring at me standing naked. She didn’t move and didn’t say anything. Sara also laughed and said nothing. The bathroom I went to was my childhood house’s bathroom. It was disgusting.
No luggage Got in the car with Anna and aubree and one or two other people. I thought we were just going to get food or something but then we pulled up to an airport and everyone started getting their suitcases out and everything. All I had was my school backpack. I was like bruh I didn’t know we were going anywhere, I didn’t pack anything!! And everyone was like “ohh… uhm maybe no one will notice when you wear the same outfit for a week.. hopefully you don’t smell bad”
Watched a football game — Tyson was playing? Fist bumped him when he intercepted
In a city that was on a mountain/hill and had lots of steep roads & roads that went into the mountain etc basically lots of intertwined confusing places and was a huge city. I lived by myself in a little apartment thing in a slums area. Everyone could move very fast somehow? Like slide and grapple around.(fortnite? Lol). Anyways i made friends with this girl and i saw her go into this little hiking trail thing so i went in after she had left. When i went in my entire vision/the environment became a watercolour painting and it was hard to move because the frames of the paintings were slow. I saw a box at the end of the trail so i struggled forward to it and there was a cat inside. I wanted to take the cat but then my friend told me to stop and that the cat was actually a guy who had been transformed into a cat. I didn’t believe her so then i told the cat “run over to that rock if you’re not actually a cat” and he transformed into a rabbit and ran over to the rock. So i let her take the cat and she somehow transformed it into a regular guy again. Some time later my friends(idk who they were) and I had to help this other guy from being captured by an evil dude. The guy we were helping was middle aged and had brown hair and a beard. The evil guy was wearing purple and had purple eyes and also had a beard. We travelled by mine carts which were all over the city, and when i was travelling i saw some kid who had fallen out of his mine cart and was hanging on a ledge, so i stopped to help him. Then i saw the evil guy after the kids had left so i hid in a cave/mineshaft thing that was above him. Then the good guy appeared to fight him. He tried to negotiate but the purple guy attacked him. I looked for ways to help and i found two pieces of dynamite attached by a string. I threw them down at where he was standing and then flung toward the wooden structure he was standing on, but he caught them and looked me directly in the eyes while he let them explode in like a weird cinematic way and he dodged it all. So then i was scared and hid. He ended up knocking out the good guy and was taking him in a mine cart somewhere so i followed them. They got to this giant mountain that apparently was alive and also didnt like the good guy, but it was suuuper slow at moving. The purple guy took him to the side of the mountain that was facing away from the city and towards this huge drop. Like we were above the clouds kind of high up. Then he put him in the mountain in this little slot and he started turning into stone. There were a bunch of other stone statues of people in the side of the mountain. My friends and i helped break him out of the stone after the purple guy had left. Then he started walking up these narrow stairs to get back up to the city. The mountain wanted to stop him so it was trying to crush him with stone as he walked up, but it was too slow and the stone came down just behind him. He got to the top and was chased by the purple guy and some henchmen people. He was captured and put into some other place and turned to stone AGAIN and we were put in there with him. This time it was a big round stone room and there were monuments/weird lifelike statues of everyone. For some reason mine was just a clone of me in a small pool of water who was swimming around and chilling. Then the henchmen guys appeared and one of them was saying he was going to get a degree in slapping women’s butts or something so i jumped him and dug my nails into his skull but i didn’t kill him. I made friends with my clone and im not sure what happened after that. Woke up
Mrs Sparling Texted Mrs Sparling and asked if I could come over soon. She said yes so I did. The girls were not there, though. She said they’d be home soon…. They didn’t come home for hours. The two of us just did stuff together and talked. While it was just me and her, Mrs. Sparling opened up a piece of mail and discovered that she had won the lottery, and inside the letter was a check for like a billion dollars. I didn’t know what to say. Was happy for her but also jealous and envious because somehow they always get good things and waste them within a matter of days. Eventually Sara came home. I saw her walking into the house from behind, but still recognized her. I immediately analyzed the size of her arms, trying to gauge if she was thinner or heavier than the last time I saw her and trying to figure out what that meant for me. She didn’t really ever look at me. She said hi weakly and just kind of ignored me being there. It was very cold. After a little bit she said something that was like “yeah I wish there wasn’t anyone in our house right now.” And so I started packing up my stuff and leaving. Helen was sat on the stairs while I walked out and she looked at me like “why the fuck are you here ..??” I just left. Mrs Sparling and Helen said something like “hope you’re doing well!” as I walked out to my car which was so fake and so contrasting to the rest of the experience. Side note: why am I dreaming about the Sparling’s so much??
Where is Sabine?? Was at the DoubleTree but working in the kitchen or something. It was very late at night and no one knew when we were allowed to start clearing plates from the restaurant and asking people to leave. There were tons of people lingering to watch a game or a show or something on the restaurant and lobby TVs. It closed at 10pm but we still had people by 1:00am. My mother was the one who was supposed to clear plates and she just like had no idea what she was doing and kept saying she didn’t think she could start yet. I was getting frustrated with trying to convince her that she needed to start so I said I would go ask Sabine, who would have the final answer about it. couldn’t find Sabine, though. The rest of the dream was just me looking around different parts of the hotel. Eventually I started clearing the plates by myself I think.
Toured A Studio Apartment It had a really cool washer/dryer and it had a jacuzzi for some reason in the bathroom. I was touring it alone so I did get under the water for a little bit. Thought about how I would organize it
Walked out of the Sparling’s house in the middle of the night with a stack of books in my hand. It was dark and horrifying, I felt like I was going to be attacked or jumped or possessed, or anything like that. I had a bright blue Jeep Cherokee, not my Highlander. I put the stack of books underneath the drivers seat. One of them had to go on top of the backseat because it wouldn’t stack nicely. I felt like I shouldn’t have my bad turned to the outside for too long, shouldn’t breathe the outside air for too long. When I got in the car I locked it immediately and took off before even turning my headlights on or buckling up. Drove for a long time. When it was light outside I passed by my dad’s best friend’s kid, Josie, who was playing outside. She was still really tiny like she had never grown up. She waived at me innocently. I felt a lamenting pain for her because I knew what life had in store for her if she ever wanted to leave. I always saw myself in her and always related to her within our family dynamics. Second daughter, too spunky, too spirited, too confrontational. I knew she could not be passive about everything forever. But I also knew she had to figure it out on her own at the end of the day. I kept driving.
Was staying at someone’s lake house and somehow I messed up all of their shampoos by rocking the foundation of the house (long story, basically cut a rope that tied it all together. Very hard to explain and it’s also not integral to the plot). This dude was super rich, and these were like the V5 shampoos or whatever that Walmart brand is, but I felt SO bad and felt like I had to replace them immediately. I got him some fancy glass dispensers and a bunch of different kinds of the men’s scents for that brand. Lined them up by color and displayed them all cute in his house. I then looked at a map for the first time ever apparently and found that Clinton lake stretches more than halfway across the country (how did we not notice before??)
Bruh I went to visit my grandma Pam but I had to stay at my mother’s house beforehand. I was really hungry and stayed up looking for something to eat the night before. I guess I wasn’t capable of leaving to get my own food? She didn’t have any food so I eventually sat down and journaled out my frustrations at her kitchen table. I also sketched a picture of myself sitting there. It made me feel better to know I was about to leave. I saw my grandma for a day after that, which was so relieving and nice. I had to go back to my dads for a day in between though before I could see her again. During that time I ate a lot of cafeteria food and stood in cafeteria lines, almost like I was on a campus (but not KU) eating dining hall food over and over again. Pretty gross, I’ve gotta say. Every once in a while I would run into my dad and stepmom, which added a general level of anxiety to this part of the dream. Checked my phone to see the group chat with y’all, I knew we had made plans to hang out that day but all I could see in the group chat was a photo that I had sent of huge Birkenstock statue underneath a tree on campus. I didn’t remember sending it, which really really freaked me out.
Abandoned the Desk at Work Was working at the DoubleTree. Went to the kitchen to throw away some boxes and get a drink at around 12:00pm. Ended up talking with Kasey for a minute. When I came back up to the front, it was already 3:00pm and I realized I had left the desk for 3 full hours, and left the new girl (who was actually the old auditor Miyah) to figure out the desk by herself even though she didn’t know anything yet. She had a line and a bunch of phone calls. It was just like a total “oh fuck” moment.
Moms Busy-Work House Guests Was somehow simultaneously constantly on a road trip and constantly going to work and school. Basically had a lot to do and the dream was mostly about stressing over when to do my homework and when to shower and eat etc. I also had to do all these things at my mother’s house. She kept having people over, who would bring busy work for us to do, like a bin of dishes for them, or a bunch of envelopes to lick and seal, etc. I told my mom I didn’t have time to do them, and she said I was being rude and entitled, and that it was the least I could do for our guests. I told them they weren’t my guests and that she should do the work herself if she wanted to keep having them over.
Was in some weird video game world but it was real life. I was at someones house and it was like 8 stories high with a giant drop in the middle by the stairs. I was with a friend and we found this cat that needed help so we took it to this guy inside the house who was a vet. He helped the cat and as soon as the cat woke up it bit me ankle and clawed me because it was scared and the pain felt real. Then a pack of rabid cats and dogs started chasing me through the house, i was running really fast and closing doors behind me so they wouldnt catch up. I ran all the way up to like the 5th floor and lost them. I was sleeping on some bed but then i heard someone coming and somehow jumped out the window with the bed and glided on it really far away. Now the dream was in 3rd person. I climbed up a dead tree and when i got to the top bugs started attacking me so i glided away(?) again. I was really hungry and i came to some random farm house, so i thought i could steal eggs or something but the woman who lived there saw me. I couldnt get anything so i started leaving, but for some reason i decided to ding dong ditch the house before i left. The husband of the woman opened the door and saw me running away and started shooting at me with a shotgun. I jumped because we were on a hill and got enough air to start gliding . I swerved around to try and dodge his bullets and eventually went around a corner of tree so he couldnt see me anymore. I kept gliding for really long and found a bunch of houses next to eachother with other players in them who were all afk. There were house plots in some places that were highlighted blue. I landed on one of them and got the boring default house. Woke up
Rüyamda Malatyada çocuklarla oyun oynayacaktım, oyun grup halinde oynanan bir oyundu, sanırsam paintball gibiydi. Para hazırdı bir yerlerden de organize ettim ama oyuna bi türlü başlamadım 😔
Bugün rüyamda gemiden havalanacak bir uçağı hazırlanmam uzun sürdüğü için kaçırmak üzere olduğumu gördüm. Kıyafetlerimi de uçağın boş bulduğum yerlerine sıkıştırıyordum. Yanımda şirketteki yöneticiler vardı. Nereye gidiyorduk acaba..
Bugün rüyamda ailemden önemli bir kişinin yolda tanıştığı bir polis kadınla aynı gün evlenme kararı verdiği için gün bitene kadar hazırlıklar ile uğraşıyorken, aynı zamanda kadın polisin işi çıktığından dolayı kendimi olay yerine arabayla tüm düğün ekibinin gitmesini sağlayan bir şoför olarak gördüm.
write an essay about data compliance in China
Inside league of legends, but we were all mermaid versions of the champions. I was super weak and could barely lift my arms up. I kept drowning
Had a nightmare i was so fat i couldn’t move
I was 3 hours late to my own birthday party because i woke up late
In a fantasy world where people had powers of air and water. I was just exploring a lot and finding random little items . This other girl joined me. I think i had air because i could glide, and she had water because she could like ski along rivers and stuff.
I was in a helicopter but these police guys stopped me. They stopped me and put me in this horrible school where the pencils werent sharpened and kept breaking. The teacher told us to write down the meaning of a word that didnt even exist and then got mad at someone like 5 seconds later for not doing it yet. I couldnt escape from the school
It was a board game type thing but it looked kinda like roblox. We were in teams and had to answer trivia questions to move forward on the board. Also we were like these tiny little guys kinda kirby shaped and a lot of our characters were references to other games. The one team almost made it to the end but the guy was dyslexic and didnt make it in time and they had to restart. Then i was at this restaurant with my family and it was like flying in the sky but also on an island. I was in my pajamas and they said i couldnt come in dressed like that so i went to this box and got new shoes out of there and then they let me in.
I was playing minecraft with jerma985
Merhaba ben anksiyete hastasıyım ve sürekli ölümü düşünen biriyim dün de rüyamda teyzem kuzenım ve teyzemın kiz arkadaşını gördüm 3 tane yan yana mezar vardı ve onlar ölmüştü sizce neden görmüş olablrm bu rüyayı bilinç altı mı yoksa bu bir uyarı mıdır?
I was with my cousins at some house i had never been in. Me and jesse were animating on computers in an upstairs room. These people who we were friends with were there (they dont exist irl) . Dont remember much of this. Me and my friends were creatures now. We lived in some apocalypse land were everyone was mutated and didnt look human. We were in some underground thing but the top was missing so we could see the sky. There was water running everywhere. I had a friend who could merge into the water and go faster (like in splatoon) and we all had powers but i dont remember. From perspective of the water guy now. We had all gone somewhere we werent supposed to and sneaking around. We heard someone coming and hid. I was the only one to hide in the security room. I saw this giant worm and was so scared. She saw me and she was asian(?) and she chased me all the way back through the pipes/water tunnel things.
I was often hanging out in the same spot of a lush forest. I would contemplate my life there. One day, I decided to kill someone. I got heavily drunk and killed a person. I don’t remember how. but I did. I returned to my spot in the forest once I was sober and realized what I did didn’t feel good, so I decided that killing people wasn’t for me. I would never kill another person after that experience. I didn’t necessarily feel guilty, I just didn’t feel as good as I thought I would. I guess I regretted it.
Next door neighbours were redoing their house. We went to go look. The people who were building and the designing the house were there. They gave us wine glasses with milk, told us they were expensive so dont break them. The glasses were flimsy and broke in our hands. Also the house looked bad. They had 3 bathrooms but they were all next to eachother. There was a family portrait in the living room and the kids in the picture were wearing their school uniform, which was the same as my school. Their name badges were in korean.(or something that looked like korean). The photo said that they were in grade 11 but they looked about 6 year’s old. They had 2 beds in the house which were in the living room. I looked out the window and all the trees and other houses were gone, it was just a long expansion of desert nd shrubs. There was a painting of the view next to the window.
Rüyamda eski sevgilim 12.58 de bana nasıl gidiyor diye mesaj attığını sabah uyandığımda gördüğümü gördüm
شفت نفسي في الحلم مع كيندل جينر ، الشيء الوحيد الي متاكدة منه وكنت اشعره في الحلم كان حالة الوعي المشتركة ، الوفرة الثراء الرخاء ، جوة الحلم كنت مبسوطة مرة اني خرجت من كل الحدود العقلية لين وصلت لمرحلة اني صرت مع اغنى سيدات العالم في وجه الأرض وما كنت اشعر بالفجوة وكنت سعيدة اني في نفس السياق معاهم وحتى كنت جالسة افكر يالله يا فاطمة كنت طايرة لان مكتب الفنانة بلقيس فتحي في نفس المبنى الي انت فيه والحين صار شايفة بلقيس وحدة عادية لاني تجاوزتها تماماً ووصلت للمستوى الي خلاص مافي احد اقدر اتطلع اليه واقول رح اتجاوزه كنت متجاوزة كل البشر الاثرياء وكنت شايفة في الحلم او نقول حاس بشعور قرررررررربت خلاص يا فاطمة ووالله سويتيها يا فاطم المهم حروح اسوي متابعة لكندل هههههه
My mom bought a new house. We got home one day to the house and this random indian dude was there watching tv. Greg went in and was like wtf are you doing here but the whole time he just didnt speak and was constantly making the confused raised eyebrow face. You know like ‘,:-/ but q lot more exaggerated and scary. He kept appearing in different rooms. I wanted to go to the kitchen to get food and as i walked into the dining room to get to the kitchen he was there, sitting at the table, staring at me with that face. It freaked me out and made me made because whos he to come into our house and just stare at us all confused like we are the intruders. Also all the doors were windows.
At this weird school camp thing. They made us do a fashion show and we had to walk this incredibly long runway which was like a parkour course with a deadly drop below it. I was waling in these massive high heels. When i got to the end the judges had left and there was a big closed sign. Me and the people who were still walking the runway got so mad because they had forced us to do this stupid fashion show but they wont even wait for us to get to the end of it.
Got a car and crashed it twice
I had been thrown into a giant pool of water in a massive spherical metal room. I stayed there for years and my skin became soft and white and wrinkly from being there so long. After a while other people were thrown down there too. We somehow escaped together up some kind of elevator. I passed out and when i woke up i was on a bed with a nurse next to me. I was scared so i tried to run away but my legs had not been on land for so long i had forgotten how to walk. I pulled myself with my arms to some kind of mirror on the floor. When i looked at myself the skin on my face was dry and cracked. My body had strange mutations. My calves were larger and thinner and had excess skin and fat. It was really grotesque. My arms had hook like hands coming out the sides of them. Like a bats hands on the end of their wings. There was more to the dream but not really clear. I moved into a house or something and there were cool rings all over the floor and i was collecting them.
My dad had stopped the car somewhere and i was in the front seat beside him. He said “are you ready?”. I said yes. He said “do you have everything?”. I said yup. Then he said “well don’t wait for me”. I opened the car door and woke up. I didnt get to see where i was.
This was from a while ago, maybe a year ago. Kiara showed up at my dads house. I was so shocked and happy to see her i started crying and hugging her. She was confused and didnt know why i was doing this. I noticed that she looked younger, maybe grade 7 or 8, which must be why she was confused. She didnt know she was moving to Bulgaria yet. She came inside and said she was there to watch a movie with me. We sat down and turned the tv on. A video started playing of childlike drawings singing and moving around. The flower was singing about the things around them, like the blue sky and green grass. Gradually the colours began changing, shapes distorting, and the flower screaming and shouting that it was “all wrong”. Woke up crying
I had invited some people from my grade for a sleepover. When we woke up one of them pointed out that i had some kind of bug infestation in my bed. It was some made up species called the catch bug or something. These people told us they could exterminate them so we followed them into a building. They taught us how to do pullups or something. Then i was on a stand of seats (bleachers but like at kings park pool) and there was water at the bottom of them. I started pushing people in and they sunk until they were out of site. I saw 2 kiaras and was really confused, there was someone rlse also confused that there was 2 kiaras. I pushed everyone in while singing.
Ivan Moody
The dream starts with my coworkers all dressed in fancy outfits. Girls in blue and guys in theatrical outfits. Girls and guys perform separately. I guy that I know from work tells me to follow him. I follow him through this secret passage way in the walls with a few others behind it. I lose him somewhere along the way and I end up going back down to the theatre to find him. The performance ends and I see him and someone I haven’t seen in a while get into a fight and then I end up protecting one from the other and comforting the one I work with. Then the dream ends.
There was just mud as far as i could see. The mud that appears where the beach sand meets the ocean. It was flat and dark, with the slight shine of the sun hitting its thin layer of water. I saw man , wearing rags , sticking a sharp spear into the mud. He was fishing his hair and skin were dark. His hair was long and ragged. I was suddenly closer to him . He grabbed me and dived into the mud. We were underwater. I could see clearly. In the distance were what looked like massive sharks tails but the top of the shark was above the water, they were all vertical. The man was taking me towards them. I wasnt scared.
Ayı gördüm
Ειδα πως μολις ειχα φτασει ποτιδαια και γταν ο δημητρης εκει και ηταν να βγουμε αλλα ξύπνησα…
Rüyamda kardeşim çok yüksek bir yerden ayağı takılıp düşerek can verdiğini gördüm. Çok ağladım, aşağıdaki firma dönerciydi dönerlerinden bahsediyordu ancak ben dinlemiyordum ağlamaya devam ediyordum
حلمت ان في ثقب يخلي الناس يختفون ويموتون ياخذهم الثقل الاسود المهم وجيت قلت لا مرح يجيني شي وافتح عيوني وانا في سرير الاقي اني بديت اختفي وفيه قدامي سبوره عن حياتي وفيه شريط حياتي قدامي وانا اقول ياليتني صليت ياليت وشفت شريط حياتي بيبرره شفت نفسي وانا ادرس وكانه هذا درس لي
Rüyamda istifa ediyordum ve yöneticim “bir şirkette emekli olmayacaksın haa” diyor. Hemen adımı yazmaya başlıyor çok umrunda olmamış gibi yapıyor.
Kenan usta Şehriban şef ben oturuyoruz bi yerde sonra Kenan usta diyor ki kör kasalarınız böyle mi olacak? Bi bakıyorum kör kasa diyo 50*50 2cm çerçeve takmışlar.. sinirden alev alıp Taşeronu arıyorum.
Kasımla annesi kavga ediyor annesi çorap giy diye bağırıyor kasım da diyor ki ben doğduğumda ayağımda çorap mı vardı dkdjdkjsjsjs tam kasımın vereceği bir cevap
Şantiyeye hediye geliyor taşeronlar getirmiş bir zarfın içinde redd konserine bilet var iki tane tabi atlıyorum ben hemen konser ankaradaymış Alperen’le gideriz diye 7 Ağustosta konser
Ezgi’nin sırtında bir sürü küçük yaralar vardı sordum ne olduğunu önemli değil dedi bazen babamla yurtlara gidiyorum iş için oradan kapmışımdır dedi hali çok tuhaftı
Rüyamda bir arkadaşımla beraber kaçak ilan ediliyorum. Sonra yakalanıyoruz ve infaz edilmek için üç tane asker ile gidiyoruz. Yolda askerler beni öldürmek istiyorlar. Bomba ile ölmezsen daha ölmezsin diye arkamda patlatıyorlar, ölmüyorum. Askerler donakalıyor. Askerlerin kıyafetlerini bize vermelerini istiyorum ve onların eşyalarını alıp onları salıyoruz. Elimizde tüfeklerle ormanlardan yollardan geçiyoruz. Kısa bir süre sonra bir kamyon görünüyor ve suçluların orda olduğunu hissedince tüfekle durduruyorum ve çıkmalarını istiyorum. Çok hantal davranırken bir suçlu arabası daha geliyor bize çarpmak istiyor. O gelen arabaya ateş etmeye başlıyorum. Araba kaçıyor ve yolda bir sürü kazaya sebep olup uzaklaşıyor. Arkadaşıma bu yerlerden uzaklaşmamız gerektiği söylüyorum ve Ankara’da olduğumuzu görüyorum. Ne yola baksam arabanın peşinden giden yol çıkıyor. Farklı bir yol bulana kadar biz bir tuvalete giriyoruz. Ben içerdeyken arkadaşıma birisi bıçak çekip boğazına sürmeye başlıyor. Ben hemen çıkıp tabancamla onu öldürüyorum.
Rüyamda bir otobüse binerek işyerindekilerle Erzurum’a gittiğimi gördüm
Flowers Hhh
Today I saw that my gf has return to his ex bf and they are not happy at all her ex bf does all types of drugs and drink alcohol secret Her ex bf health is very weak he is coughing all the time and still dinks aal the things and when I go to my gf and asked why are you doing this than she replied to me that she never said yes to me and she started crying After her marriage with her ex boyfriend they don't have any money left with them. Her ex bf always bets her wife (my gf)for money to get drunk and one he comes home he and his wife kills her mother in order to get some money to get drunk the girl was frustrated and help her ex bf to kill her mother for money so that her husband could get drunk. That's all for today thank you
Rüyamda hapisten kaçıyordum ve elimi kolumu sallayarak çıkıyordum, çok soğuk kanlıydım
Rüyamda iki azı dişimin döküldüğünü gördüm. Hiç acı çekmemiştim.
Rüyamda iki azı dişimin döküldüğünü gördüm. Hiç acı çekmemiştim.
Ben sevgilimin evende kalıyordum babasından gizli, sonra bir gün eve geldiğimde sevgilim dedi ki babamın senin evde olduğundan haberi var adamcağız sen varsın diye geç geliyor. Ben de mahçup oldum ben gidiyim şimdilik dedim gittim
Rüyamda Teknokent’de çalışıyordum birgün pencereden bakarken kırmızı ışık saçan atom bombasının patladığını gördüm. Bir anda sığınaklara sığınaklara diye bağırarak sığınağa koşmaya başladım. Sığınağa geldiğimde beklemeye başladım diğer kişiler de gelmeye başladı. Kimyasal bir bombaymış ve bir terörist patlatmış. Çok geçmeden ikinci bombayı da patlattılar. Bütün Sivas’ı yok edecek kadar büyük bir şeydi. Korkunçtu
Rüyamda iki tane adamı öldürüyordum. Birisini tek başıma kavga esnasında diğerini bir ortak kadınla birlikte onu dövdüğü için öldürüyorduk.
Rüyamda bi çingene bana iğne batırıyordu, beni taciz etmeye başladı. Ailesini toplayıp evimi bastı. Ben de dünyadaki tüm çingeneleri öldürmeye yemin ettim
Rüyam çok karmaşıktı yağmur yağarken kar yağıyordu ardından güneş açmıştı
Bugün rüyamda çok güzel bir alanda yürüyüş yaptığımı gördüm. ⭐️
Rüyamda Halil hoca beni sömestir bitmeden ekonomi dersinden geçirmek istiyordu ama ben bir türlü anlamıyordum. Çok uyku sersemiydim
I had a dream that it was me my sister and my mom we lived in a small town there was no grass just dirt and there was a lot of people outside and there was just 1 washing room in the middle of the town so me my mom and sister went in there to wash clothes and the door was a screen door so you can see thru but once we closed the door every single person just changed and looked scary like zombies or something I forgot. They all got crazy I’m not sure what they where doing Since this dream was about 3 yes ago but all I know is is that they where running EVERYWHERE but one man got my eye....he was just running straight ahead with a BIG head, like a huge bobble head on a human and he was just staring at me my sis and mom . My mom told my sister to hold there door shut and else can see everything that was going on but my sister was holding it shut to hard that the door broke.....then I woke up real quick I was SHAKING SOOO BAD and I have NEVER and I mean NEVER STARDED SHAKING BECAUSE I was scared so it was the first time I shook when I had that dream and I was sweating like CRAZY it looked like I was having a seizure or something. Sadly I had the Same dream dream again about a year later I already forgot if anything different happened but I I think was just the same thing I woke up shaking sweating and crying. That was 1 year ago I REALLY HOPE that I don’t have the same nightmare again😞(yes I swear this is true)
Rüyamda bir çocuğu kucağıma alıyordum çocuk benliğini kendisine aktarmamı istedi ama ben olmayacağını düşünerek yalandan evet dedim. Sonra bir anda hareketlerimi kontrol etmeye başladı ben artık bir şey yapamıyordum
Rüyamda ormandaydık ve köle köle diye bağıran kurtlar bize saldırıyordu
Rüyamda pilot olduğumu görüyorum, domuzlara karşı savaştaydık ve onların elinde su balonları varken biz ateşli silah kullanıyorduk
Είδα τον Δημήτρη να μιυ λεει πως ξερει πως νοιάζομαι παραπανω γιαυτον απο τους άλλους και τετοια και δεν το παραδεχόμουν. Μετα ειδα πως ημουν παντρεμένη με τον δημητρη και ημουν με την οικογενεια του σε ενα σπιτι και εκανα πολυ καλη παρεα με την αδερφή του νμζω και μετα ειδα πως για πρωτοχρονιά ημασταν στο σπιτι του δεληγεωργιου και ηρθε και ο δημητρης με την μαμα του και καθόμασταν ολοι μαζι και αυτο οτι ναναι
Rüyamda bir amerikan kasabasındaydım, siyahilerin köle olduğu zamanlardı. İçeri girmek yasaktı. Ben o kasabaya traktörle kaçak siyahi sokuyordum. Bir gün şerif beni durdurdu siyahileri buldu ben de siyahilerle birlikte ormana doğru kaçtım. Ormandan sonra bir tarlaya gittik tarlalar yanmıştı. Tarlanın içinde birkaç insan vardı. Onlara doğru yaklaştık. Yazdı, gereksiz odun yanıyordu söndürmeye çalıştım. Ordaki velet bana sert çıktı, söndürmememi söyledi. Ben de ona sert çıktım. Sonra eski bi tanıdık beni gördü bana doğru yürümeye başladı. Çocuğu savundu. Benimle dikleşti, hatrımızın geçtiğini söyleyip onunla kötü olmak istemediğimi söyledim.
Ειδα στο ονειρο μου τα παντα. Ειδα σε καποια φαση τον πορφιριο μαζι με τον πάτερ οταν πήγαιναν σε ενα μερος ενω εγω ημουν με την οικογενεια μπυ μετα βρέθηκα σε ενα παρτυ που ηταν κατι μοναχές και γενικα ηταν σαν μοναστήρι και ειδα τον κοροματζο και το κρου του και τον σιφη απο το γντμ τεσπα ολοι με ρωτούσαν τι παιζει με τον κορο γτ κατι παιζόταν. Επισης σε καποια φαση νωρίτερα ειχα δει την rue με την. Jules να βρίσκονται σε απέναντι γκρεμούς δκ αυτο απλα μαρεσε η αίσθηση του ονείρου
Rüyamda cuma namazındaydık, dini bilgilerin aşılanması için bir istişare yapılıyordu. Camiye girerken bana hürmet gösterilmişti. Sonra hocama bi soru yönlendirilince muhalif oldu ve beni örnek göstererek “içkici insanlarla takılıyor..” şeklinde yapmadığım bir şey ile itham etti. Ben işteyken sinirlenip çıktım ve eve kadar gittim. Evde beni karşıladı, ona geri dönüşü olmayacak kadar ileri gittiğini anlattım ama o hala acil ve yapılması gereken işlerden bahsediyordu
Rüyamda okuldaydım ve eski dostlarımı gördüm. Onlarda yardım almak istediğimizi gördüm
Ειμασταν φροντ και ειχα μαθημα με την κατσικατου και ημασταν απο κοντα και καναμε διαλειμα και ημουν μα τον δημητρη και σε καποια δάση δκ τον φιλάω.Μετα ερχεται και τον περνει ο μπαμπας τοθ και πηγαινω σπιτι και το απογευμα πηγαινω σπιτι του γτ μου εοχε πει να παω και κάθομαι στο κρεβάτι του χωρις να ξερω πως ειναι το δωματιο του αυτο και μεσα μετα εχει τοσο κοσμο τεσπα δεν μιλαμε καθολου και μετα σε καποια φαση κάθομαι στο κρεβάτι και αυτος μου πειραζει τα μαλλια και αρχίζει να με χαϊδεύει και μου λεει να μην το παιζω θυμωμένη για να μου δωσει σημασια τεσπα αυτα κανεις δεν έμαθε αν τα ειχαμε ή οχι γιατι ξύπνησα
Ειχα μαλωσει με την ολυμπια ΚΑΙ ΣΤΟ ΟΝΕΙΡΟ και τεσπα ημαστας σχολειο ζηριδη και ημασταν στο σχολικο και αυτη την έπεφτε στον κορο απλα για να ζηλέψω μετα βρεθήκαμε σε κατι σαν έρημα μαι μας πηραν 2 άλογα εμενα και την ολυ και τα υππευαμε και ηταν φουλ καλα τα άλογα μετα βρεθήκαμε σπιτι τς και ηταν στην τουαλέτα και έκλεγε και μπηκα μεσα δκ γτ έκλεγε και μετα βγήκαμε και μου ζήτησε συγγνώμη που μελώσαμε και της ζήτησα καιγω και μετα ηθελε να με ταΐσει κρέπα αλλα δεν ηθελα μετα ειδα ενα στολισμένο δέντρο δκ τεσπα ηρθε μετα ο μπαμπας μου και καθόντουσαν οι γονεις
Rüyamda mahalle abisini namazda önüme geçtiği için tartaklıyordum, sonra karnım tok olduğu halde bi pide fırınına gidip etli ekmek söylüyordum. Yoldan geçen eski bir arkadaşımı görüp yemeğimi ikram ediyordum
Rüyamda manavdan meyve ve sebze alıyorum hızla arabaya geri döndüğümde geç kaldığım için herkes bana sinirli bir şekilde bakıyor. Ben de geç kalma sebebi olarak yalan söylüyorum .
Rüyamda manavdan meyve ve sebze alıyorum hızla arabaya geri döndüğümde geç kaldığım için herkes bana sinirli bir şekilde bakıyor. Ben de geç kalma sebebi olarak yalan söylüyorum .
Rüyamda giren hırsız yine eve girdiğini konuşarak dile getiriyor. Eve yerde sürünerek giriyor. Benim evime sakın girme evde hiç bir şey bırakmıyorum noolur diye konuşuyorum. Sonra onu tutup pisliğin içine atıyorum.
Ημουν με τον φωτο ναι με αυτον και καθόμασταν σε ενα κατι σαν παγκάκι και φορούσα βερμούδα. Στην αρχή δεν μιλούσαμε αλλα μετα κατι λεγαλμε δεν θυμαμαι παντως θυμαμαι να μου χάιδευε το ποδι δκ το φαση που αυτο το εκανε αρκετή ωρα δλδ με χάιδευε καπου στο γονατο τεσπα και μετα ηρθε η ολυμπια για να παμε σχολικο και μεσα στο σχολικο γταν και αυτος αλλα δεν μιλούσαμε καθολου εκει γιατι αυτος καθόταν μπροστά.Επισης εχω την αίσθηση οτι μου την έπεφτε δκ
Μαλακα στο ονειρο μου ειδα την ολυμπια να φιλιέται μαζι εμ τον κοροματζο μπροστά μου μαλκαα Ειμασσταμ στο σπιτι της Ολυμπίας και ειχε τον αγαπημένο μου καιρο και εγω καθόμουν στο κρεβάτι τις και αυτη στην καρέκλα της και ο κορο πιο πέρα δκ καν γιατι τον ειχε καλεσει αλλα τεσπα αυτος φενοταν πτι την ηθελε αλλα αυτη δεν έδωσε σημασια εντομεταξυ τα ειχε με τον βασιλη αυτη και σε καποια φαση κατι γινεται και χερομαι καο οι 2 πολυ και κάθεται ο κοροματζος πανω στην ολυμπια στην καρέκλα και αγκαλιάζονται και την φιλάει και της κανει με το δάχτυλο απλα δείχνει το χείλι της και της ειπε να σε φιλήσω;και αυτη δεν θυμαμαι τι ειπε καλα αλλα φιλήθηκαν πεταχτό και εμενα απο εκει και μετα μου χάλασε φουλ η διάθεση γιατι ειχα πολυ καλη διάθεση οπως και η ολυμπια περνούσαμε Τελεια και μολις εγινε αυτο ημουν σαν καταρρακωμένη πραγνατοκα και μετα νταξ εφυγα προφανώς και σε καποια φαση η ολυμπια μου ελεγε πως ξερει πως τον ηθελα και πως νιώθει άσχημα και ειχε βουρκώσει αλλα τον φιλούσε καταταλα. Εμενα ο κοροματζος μου φερόταν σαν να μην υπήρχα μονο μια φορα παιζει να μου ειπε περσε για να κανω αλλα αυτο
Rüyamda turşu dolu bidon gördüm içinde şagana ve biber vardı
Ειδα στο ονειρο μου τον δημητρη να ειμασταν εγω η Βασιλική και αυτος για να μπούμε στην ταξη και αυτος ειπε στην Βασιλική:ψησου να παμε ακανθους καμια μερα ολοι μαζι. Αυτο το ειπε στην Βασιλική για ολους και εμενα προσωπικά δεν μου έδινε καθολου σημασία.Επισης στο ονειρο μπυ δεν μου άρεσε ετσι οπως ηταν η μουρη του αυτο ειναι το πρωτο ονειρο
Rüyamda Zuhal Topal’ın büyük bir inek tarafından ezildiğini gördüm. #zuhaltopal
Ειμασταν σε ενα μολλ μαζι με ολους και την Καραβάτου με τα παιδια και μας ελεγε για ενα παρτυ και εγω ημουν σε ενα αλλο μερος με τα παιδια και καθόμουν και θα επρεπε να φυγουμε σε λιγο οποτε δεν πηγα προπονηση και ξαφνικά βρίσκομαι στο φροντ με διευθυντή τον Ταϊτή να ειναι φουλ νευριασμένος και να λεει πως θα πατήσουμε ολοι και πως ο Κωνσταντίνος ειναι πολυ καλός και τα σχετικα και πως εγω δεν μιλαω στην ταξη και εντομεταξυ πρεπε να φυγω γιατι ήθελαν να παμε καπου με την Καραβάτου και μετα ξύπνησα αλλα θυμαμαι πως ο ράπτης δενόταν φουλ θυμωμένος και ελεγε στον Κωνσταντίνο πως ειναι πολυ καλός και τα σχετικα και εμενα με έθαβε
Rüyamda arkadaşıma faturayı ödemesi için borç para veriyordum. Akşam üstü yürümemek için ise motoruma binip gidiyordum, bir başka arkadaşım bisikletle eve gidiyordu kendisini bırakmamı söyledi ama motorda yer yok dedim. Gazlayarak eve garaja vardım. Motorun üstündeki önemli materyaller yoktu babam dedi ki, onlar önemli değil sonradan alırsın
Ειδα πως μιλούσα στην ζενεβιεβ και της ελεγα πως ημουν τρέλα ερωτευμένη με την ζενταγια και πως θελουμε να παντρευτούμε και τετοια αλλα μετα θυμήθηκα πως θελω και τον Κωνσταντίνο
işten kovulduğumu gördüm ban yokken çok daha iyi işler yapacaklarını düşünüyorlardı
I had a dream about heaven. The first time that I dreamed about heaven, when I'm 11 years old. Many people are wearing white clothes (that includes me) and we are standing in front of a stage. I can't see what's going on in the stage because it's too bright. The bright white lights are coming from the stage. It's so bright that I can't clearly see their faces. But I know it's the Lord God and his Angels. The second dream that I dreamed is about the heaven again. This 2020 I dreamed about the same dream but my position changed. In my first dream I'm on the left side in front of the stage. While on my second dream, I'm surrounded by many people wearing white clothes that is facing the stage that has a bright white light. And that's the only thing that I remembered until now. I don't know if my dreams will come true but I hope so. Except for the dream that I've dreamed a few days ago. In that dream I saw the bloody moon and many people die in that Party. It's because of the Gun shot that's from the group of People wearing black uniform And it's reported by A blond newscaster. I hope that dream wouldn't come true. [Sorry for the wrong grammars] Hey! If you're reading this.. Don't lose hope in God. There is no lost in you if you put your trust and faith in him. 💛
Rüyamda İstanbul’a gidiyordum. Uzun süredir oralarda birkaç iş yapmak istiyor muşum, taksimden merdivenlerle çıkıp yukarıda birkaç insan görüyorum. Havadan sudan bahsediyorum, konuşuyoruz ve muhabbet ilerliyor neden geldiğimi anlatıyorum. Biraz yürüyüşe çıkıyoruz ve yatmam gereken bir yere ihtiyacım olduğunu söylüyorum. Onlar da sağolsun ben bulana kadar bir yer ayarlıyorlar. Sonra oralarda iş kurmaya çalışıyorum
Rüyamda motosiklet alıyordum, güzeldi ben oturunca biraz küçük geliyordu. Arkadaşlarımla bakıyorduk, herkes çok beğendi. Aynı zamanda şirkette yaşanan bir olayı araştırmak için her yeri gezdik kanıt aradık. Ailemle ve iş arkadaşlarımla beraberdim. Her yerde tuzak vardı, saçma reklamlar vardı.
Rüyamda balığımın suyu bitiyor ve çırpınıyordu
Rüyamda müslüm gürsesi gördüm. Seferberlik zamanıydı ve askerlere moral vermek için gelmişti. Konser bitti gidiyordu, birkaç kişi ve ben takip ettik. Müslüm baba sapa bir yola girdi. Geri bize doğru gelmeye başladı. Sonra benimle yüz yüze geldi ona sarıldım. Bu dünya hayatımda sana sarıldım ya daha bir şey istemem dedim. Müslüm baba bununla alakalı bir özlü söz söyledi ancak unutttum.
Rüyamda Trabzon’a gitme ile ilgili bir rüya gördüm. Onun babasına yakalanacaktım
Rüyamda kafamın arkasından sürekli saç dökülüyordu, ve boynuz gibi bir et çıkmıştı. Onu çekince kafa tasımın açıldığını gördüm. İçine elimi soktuğumda beynimi hissettim. Hemen bir beyin cerrahı aramaya başladım
In my dream I saw myself sitting next to my mom in her room my sister's book(which she didn't own) was near me, my mom was working on the laptop. After a few days the same thing happened and the same book was near me
I had a dream last year but I'm still thinking about it everyday till now. My dream was we're in a beach and there was a man standing right in front of me we're talking and laughing but sadly I forgot about our conversation and I can't see his face, its blurry because of the sunlight. I only dreamed about it for once but I feel safe when Im with him. I've ever felt it before, the feeling of being safe with someone. IF you're a real person, I hope to meet you again when I wasn't dreaming anymore.
Rüyamda eşimin hamile olduğunu gördüm ve çocuğumun ismini bilmiyordum. Aynı zamanda annemin yanındaydım beni bir şeyler almak için zorluyordu. Rüyamda eşim ve baldızım konuşuyordu, eşime bizim el ele tutuşmamızın yanlış olduğunu söyledi.
In my dream I saw me as a mermaid and I had powers and I had to save a merman name ben he handsome I had to save him from and evil monster name surlok I save him I we was friends infact best friends then when I woke up the moring I had a bath and I breath under I was so scared
Bugün rüyamda sandalla gezi turuna çıkmıştık. Yeşillikler ve mavilikler arasında muhteşem bir yolculuk yaptım. Uzun bir aradan sonra çok iyi gelmişti.
So, I started seeing this two guy in my dream since when I was in 3rd year Highschool. The first time I saw them in my dream is We are having a Competition and I am representing my School in a sport Volleyball, when I was getting ready in our athlete room, this two guy came in and I stared at them like -bro-what-are-you-doing-here-look, Of course I was shock cause the first guy is a Taekwondo player and the second one is a Badminton player, So in my mind what are these two doing here, this is not their Athlete Room like bruhh! get out'. After they came in, the Taekwondo player look at me straight in the eye and walk towards me then hold my hand tightly and then he grab me to the outside of our athlete room, I asked him why but I don't remember what he says that time until the Badminton player whispers in my ears and he turn back to me i saw his surname on his back (t-shirt) but its blurred I only remember that his surname is starts with letter M and the second letter is A that's it. while the taekwondo player, I don't know anything about him, but he's appearance is Tall and have White skin, his hands is so soft and he has a mole in the neck.
I was on a long journey and my dad was hiding something. It was mt momandnwe were running away from her
Εε ειδα στο ονειρο μου πτι πηγα σε μια εκδήλωση που εκει ηταν αρκετοί διάσημοι και ηταν ο Orlando bloom h Katy Perry afth. Thn mavrh pou epeze sthn Jessie thn skai Jackson etsi thn lene kai pollous allous kai htan fadastika re Gt milousame oloi mazi kai milousame kai Egw ekana poli parea me thn skai Jackson kai milousame kai mas ekane parathrhsh enas diashmos kai o babas ths skai pou htan o Leonardo di caprio tou eipe na stamathsei kai tetoia kai meta vghkame gia volta mazi tis kai ipame thn chalie damelio na afhnei to mwro ths se enan kirio kai mas ekane kai kala na kanoume isixia gia na mhn to mathei kaneis
I was with Adisa. Wevwere our late foingbsomething, coming back from somewhere or picking something up. We stopped somewhere and I went I. I got what I needed but I left Adisa’s phone and got really really mad with myself for doing so. Adisa then said forget it we can get it tomorrow. I ran back in and on my way yelled duck in frustration. A lot of old friends and people I knew from highscool were outside l. After got it I went into another room where there was some kind if test or class being taken. I went in. I saw many people I knew. I saw duke from the wire and allan stauffer. I sat down and Waite for whatever to begin. More happened but I forget.
I want to be a writer. But I am a lawyer now. So I hope I can be a writer on law. Like writing something about law novel or review or something else
ben sınava gidiyordum sınava gireceğim sınıfta bir kafes vardı iki üç adam gelip beni o kafese kapatıyorlardı iki oğlan bir kız beni çıkarmaya çalıştılar ve iki oğlan bir kız beni çıkarmaya çalıştılar oğlanlardan biri sarı saçlı mavi gözlüydü diğeri siyah saçlı kahverengi gözlüydü ve ben siyah saçlı kahverengi gözlü oğlana aşık oldum o da bana aşık olduğunu söyledi kız benim aşık olduğuma oğlanı sevdiğini söyledi beni kapatan adamlar gelip aşık olduğum oğlanı bayıltıp bir yere götürdüler ve ben kıza ve diğer oğlana peşlerinden gitmelerini söyledim onları bulacağımı söyledim ardından yakın arkadaşım gelip beni kurtardı ordan çıkınca bir anda 6 kişi olduk ve onları bulmaya çalıştık gece oldu ortaokulda okuduğum okulun bahçesine gittik bir iz bulamayınca onları bırakmamalıydım diyerek ağlamaya başladım
Last night I had a dream and in my dream - my sister was praying, she was praying for me, she asked the Lord to show me / give me my calling 🤔
من شدیدا نینی خوشگل خودمو میخوام
Rüyamda bir yarışmaya katılıyorduk, yarışmada kaybediyorduk. Eski bir arkadaşımı görüyordum, onunla yemek yemeye gidiyorduk. Sonra onu çatıda gördüm. Yanına gittiğimde çatıdan inmişti, sonra bir ağıla girdi. İçeri baktım ki bir inek doğurmak üzere ona yardım ediyor. İnek doğuruyor ama ölmüş gibi kalıyor. Yavrusu da hareket etmiyor. Sonra ağılın sahibi geliyor, durumu anlatıyoruz. İnek canlanıyor, yavru da canlanıyor. İnek hırçınlaşmaya başlıyor.
Pas ins ashenasia Pas email taskulu Ashena502azizi Pas email hamishm Ashena502
We had peopl over. Adisa was there nd mom and others. People I knew I forget who were playing and joking around with Adisa. I revere watching the guy the boyfriend of onc one of the girls leave and return from upstairs. I then remeber a cat that looked like a tiger but not a real tiger jump on the people and reference to it being someone’s cat. Then there was a huge dig that was China’s. The cat could talk and got my fingers caught in a tag around it’s collar. My nose was also bleeding at one point. I thought I had corona virus for a second. I hadn’t friends take my temp and they jokingly said 153 or some crazy high number.
Rüyamda covid-19’dan dolayı cuma namazına gidemiyordum. Ama bir gün işim camiye düştü. Hocayla konuşurken cemaatin çok yan yana durması sıkıntı olur mu dedim, olmayacağını söyledi. Neyse halil hoca geldi ve birisiyle tokalaştı, ben “hocam tokalaşmak yok virüs var” dedim. Gittim kolonya aldım ikisinin eline döktüm. İlk sünneti kıldık herkes gitti. Baktım ki hoca da toplanıyor. Dedim nereye. Kimse sünneti kılmamış herkes kendi başına farzı kılmış çıkıyor.
اینجا صندوقچه ارزوهای منه قراره من هر روز یه ارزو کنم و هر روز به خورشید ابر زمین اسمون سلامی دوباره کنم
Ειδα πως έβγαιναν κατι σαν παράφρονες απο ενα εργοστάσιο που οταν σε ακουμπάνε γίνετε σαν αυτους και τεσπα να μην τα πολυλογώ ήμουν στο αρσακειο και με ακούμπησε ενας συγκεκριμένος και δεν Σπάθα τιποτα δλδ ειχα ανοσία και γνωριστήκαμε με αυτον και μετα ηρθε η αδερφή μου οχι η φροσω παντως και παντρεύτηκε με αυτην και εκανε και 1 παιδι το αλλο ηταν απο άλλου δκ ηταν κατάξανθα και μετα γνώρισα και την οικογένεια του και με ακπυμπισε ενας απο το σοι του και αρχισα να μαυρίζω και ετσι ξαναακπυμπισα αυτον που ειχα γνωρίσει πρωτα και έγινα καλα και παντρεύτηκαν κιολας και ολοι έλεγαν πως ειναι δαίμονες και ετσι
Rüyamda babam vefat etmiş. Bir gün sofra kuruyorum, komşular yemek getiriyor.
I want a Nintendo switch and games and I wish my dad will finish the house that he is building
Rüyamda derste sınıftaydım.Hoca ders anlatıyordu sınıfa ablam girdi.Sonra sınıfa yabancı bir kız girdi, ingilizce konuşuyordu. Dediki fizik hakkında bilen biriyle sohbet etmek ve tartışmak istiyorum diyordu. Bende yanına gittim ablamla.İlk başta çok zorlandım konuşurken ama sonra akıcı bir şekilde sohbet etmeye başladık
Rüyamda bamya ve bamya çiçekleri görüyordum. Anneme pişer mi çiçekler diye soruyordum. Annemde pişer diyordu. Temizlemeye başladığımda içinde saçlar çıkıyordu.
Rüyamda uçaktaydım ve uçak rüzgar yüzünden havalanmıyordu.
I was talking a class in swishing I think with James and mostly other black guys. We were uhnkeet rams walking stick or to walk and told to jump and down and back and forth . In also went out with friends to a bar. I wet out to different version of jacks. Remember laughing about social distancing. I remember seeing Aaron, Caleb, Kyle, Brady I think and others. I also remeber seeing izaiah from high school somewhere else. I was somewhere and someone coughed on me and then I coughs and people looked at me. I thought I had corona virus and needed to quarantine for a minute. I got worried then calmed down.
Rüyamda markete giriyordum birşeyler alacaktım ama kasiyer yoktu. Sonra akşam tekrar markete gittim. Baktım ki insanlar eşyaları yağmalıyor ve paketleri açıyorlardı. çok şaşırdım çünkü önce gittiğimde o malzemelerin çoğu yoktu. Sonra fark ettim ki orada bulunan sonradan eklenen eşyalar vs. gerçekte yoktu
Rüyamda Ali ağaoğlunu gördüm. Yürüyen merdivenlerin başında bekliyordu. İyiki geldin dedi yanında biri vardı. Bende beni nasıl hatırlıyor olabilirsiniz dedim. Toplantıya beni dahil etmek istedi. dediki Toplantıda sorun çıkarsa yazarsın dedi elime kağıt,dosya tutuşturdu.Bende dedim ki ben inşaat mühendisi değilim ben ne alaka. Beni zorla toplantıya dahil etti
Rüyamda kırmızı kazak giyiyordum
Travel around the world!
Forgot what the drewm ascaboit. But I remember flying on a flying platform. I was like a luxury mini flying thing with a lush garden and other things. Yanni wat here with me. Then was talking to Nate from church about it. We were at school, I was showing him where to sit. I was telling him about Yanni and his flying thing. He asked me about getting one and if it could be contracted. I then remember Yanni talking to me about someone who was mixed race with had 12 different racial components. Other stuff happened earlier in the dream but I forget what.
im gonna do dark magic named dreams of hell if it work... im gonna write it over here
Hi my name is Brooklyn, and I had a kinda bad dream but here’s how it went...I was walking with my nana,sister,stepmom,cousin Olivia,and me! And we were just exploring the neighborhood and all of a sudden a black car with tented windows pulls up to us and says “hey were are y’all headed” it was a woman she looked about 25 but when she said that nana said “RUN HOME NOW” we all ran except nana this black man got out of the car and dragged my nana into this place. And that’s what when I woke up! Thank you guys for reading my dream and don’t worry I have manny more to come.,Brooklyn
Rüyamda Barış Özcan ile Seda sayanın oğlunu gördüm
Saw myself in a new hair color in my dream last night so I guess that's the vibes 🤔
I saw my old dog in my dream and he had a friend 🥺💙
I saw in my dream that I was pregnant. and I liked it
I pretty positive I saw my baby in my dream last night
I had a dream I was getting my hair braided and it really was cute. Now I need to find somebody to accomplish what I saw in my dream
Uyandım dedim eva seni rüyamda seni rüyamda gördüm diyemedim demeye çalıştım diyemedim i saw in my dream evadan öteye de geçemedum da
in my dream last night i saw 5sos and caught ashtons drumstick and had a mental breakdown and honestly that would happen in real life
Had a dream I texted someone but then I woke up and realized I hadn't so I texted em and got the same response I saw in my dream 😳😳
I saw it. In my dream I had a new job, living in a new space, with new dreams. I felt happy. I saw it, but now I have to create it.
So I slept off without writing my lab report and I saw my classmates in my dream talking about the same report. I woke up sharp sharp😭
I want to know more about the cute teenage couple I saw in my dream this morning. They seem like they’d be great characters to develop.
the last snake i saw in my dream just got really close to my eye after i fell to the ground and was paralyzed, and it just stared at me
I saw in my dream that I got my nose done and the girl before be got lit a heart shaped nose and my nose was so bad I wanted to cry oof
I saw in my dream that I made eye contact with Jongup for some seconds and I swear I had butterflies in my stomach even while sleeping 😳
Had this crazy dream that I had this sick ass tattoo ; so today I'm drawing my tattoo that I saw in my dream & getting inked today 🔮🌬
I just saw my dad in my dream. It's just a dream i know. But it feels like he's really there. Talk and smile to me. Like everything's fine.
I saw my mom in my dream for the first time in a long time and she gave me a kiss on my forehead and said it's ok , now I'm like what's ok?
A week ago I had a dream about moving on. And next night I saw a lonely girl. Tonight I saw in my dream a couple... But I guess she's not me
The funny thing is I saw in my dream that I overslept😩
I saw my grandma in my dream and got so happy for a moment
Ok hear me out. I’ve been dreaming about things and the day after I dream about them, someone either mentions something that was related to my dream or I see something that I saw in my dream and it’s kinda freaking me out at this point.
i had a dream last night that my plants were crying and begging me to water them and there were so many plants in my room i couldn’t get to them all so when i woke up i was looking for the plants i saw in my dream and they were all gone??
Last night I saw in my dream, all over the world 🌎, food for all
I am just sitting here and trying to remember if the picture I saw in my dream is something I genuinely saw in my dream and can safely paint. Or if I saw it _before_ I fell asleep and it's going to be plagiarism. Late night browsing is not good.
I had a dream last night that Tesla stock hit a G. I don’t know if I was just picking up emotions and hope from the collective, or if it’s really gonna happen in the next couple of weeks but I literally saw it in my dream and I woke up in a gasp.
Kuyaaaaa😭 for the first time in 8 years without you😭 Kuyyyaaaaaa its the first time I saw you in my dream and it's you finally saying goodbye to me😭 Kuyaaaaaaa I really miss youuuu😭 Im sorry that I almost kill myself😭 Kuyaaaaaa Im sorryyyy😭
I saw my son in my dream last night...he’s absolute perfection. 💕
I dreamt last night and in my dream I saw this Tolu babe that died recently wearing the most beautiful dress I’d ever seen, looking as beautiful as ever, and singing so beautifully. It was like she was in heaven and she was singing amongst angels.
i saw in my dream that one day Nigeria would be better than China.
I saw in my dream that I'm cat. There were dogs and people behind me. I was escaping, sometimes hiding, continuous running and have been trying to predict how in a strange situation I was. Excitement, mystery,fury, fear, intolerance were everwhere.
I slept so peaceful last night and I saw my father in my dream 💙
I saw a dream that I was going for a walk and then Taylor showed up and we did stuff together and it wa so good and then I woke up the next day (in my dream) and I thought that I saw a dream (in my dream) and I started believing and then I woke up
I saw my grandpa in my dream last night. I miss that smile so much.
I have a dream almost every night that I remember every detail of when I wake up. It’s like a lifetime in a minute. Some good some weird and some horrible... I used to sketch pictures of the scenes I saw in detail exactly how I saw them in my dream.
I was talking to my brother who I saw in my dream. Told him he looked the happiest I've seen him. And he said "the best moment of my life will be when I hold my first born". Somehow I was awestruck with how he spoke because this isn't him I know. 😭
My dad was SHINING when I saw him in my dream. Hair was in the salt and pepper fro he had before he left. Face clean, skin beautiful. He was giving me the same look as when he would tell me not to worry. It still feels like he’s still alive sometimes.
I have seen you before Not in my dream but I can swear I was asleep when I saw you This same pretty face with the cute smile like the girl of my dream I swear I have seen you before though not in my dream but I can swear I was asleep when I saw you.
I saw my mama in my dream just now and when I saw her and I broke down crying and I told her I missed her, she replied and said I miss you too. I’m so happy I got to see her, but it was only for a second. In an weird way I feel even more heart broken.
Last night I saw my mom in my dream , hopefully I see her again tonight .
I saw you in my dream today! -you engaged some1 that has her heart with another man. you thought she was perfect, you were crying but I was pregnant and couldn’t come near u to console u even tho you never fought 4 me as much u did 4 her. I woke up crying
I had a really bad nightmare and I can’t stop thinking about it. In my dream, I saw a murderer at a front door & I called the cops (I was in a moving car so I only gave street names) & they got there too late. The guy got away and he was after me next.
Wow! I had a dream yesterday. Forgot about it all day then remembered who I saw in my dream and was like I better tell them just so everyone is careful right now. Just got confirmation the same scenario happened yesterday! Idk why I keep doubting myself still.
Today was the first time I saw my baby in my dream. I saw his feet his little face. It was crazy everything about that dream was crazy. Wonder if he’ll look anything like he did in my dream. I was so weak and tired in my dream like I am now it was kinda creepy
Last night I saw my grandmother and mom in my dream I really miss them 😭
I see distinct things and fuzzy images in my sleep. For example, I saw a bottle, felt the smooth texture of paper. 2 months later I went to Ghana and I stepped on paper and realized the Countre Milk bottle had the exact same shape as the bottle I saw in my dream
I was training like crazy I was so happy because I felt like that someone saw my worth and supported me I actually was crying in my dream and she gave me tips and I was like "sksks I can't believe this is happening" But now I woke up and yeah :"D..just a dream
i saw in my dream that i met messi four times and each time i forgot to click a picture
Last night I saw in my dream that I had cancer and I'm scared to sleep bc I woke up crying
Sometimes it just happens that whatever i see in my dream comes true. I saw jungkook in my dream last night, i was in a car and he was outside with a staff member i think, i waved when he looked at me and he gave a small little wave back. I hope this comes true :(
I saw in my dream again that creepy graveyard I've seen many times before. I need to find it.
The last thing I saw in my dream was a book containing the 3D earth template struck by lightning and burning to ashes. It is done. Those who continue to cling to that paradigm will find there is nothing to hold anymore. It is done, it is done. Welcome to new earth.
I saw my friends in my dream, we all were happy. I see that dream coming to Pass. Amen. 🙏
Yesterday I saw my husband in my dream but I couldn’t remember his face this morning 😭😭😭😭
I saw in my dream that ı went to the countryside.I missed so much.That’s why, ı always crying.
This event what I saw in my dream and I still have a lot of events in my dreams that we were together in it but I loved saying this event even you know that your words remains stuck in my mind and even I try proof that you don't know love , how my love is strong ?!
i saw Green leaves in my Dream last night. Ereally mean sey my betslips go turn Green today? 🤔
Last Night, I saw you in my dream.. I cried in my dream, because of how much I miss you. I asked you in my dream: Is it true, you always hear and see me? She hugged me tight as if it was real, and she said: "I see you, I listen to you all he time."... "I love you.." ❤️
Last night I saw in my dream that I was baking a cake without sugar...and I decided to bake two cakes...this is sadness but not extreme sadness...will it be defeat from Ajax but not elimination? Or will the worst happen, Real and BVB to be eliminated? Got a Bad feeling...2/3
I saw you in my dream last night. In my dream, i saw you sleeping, having a dream about me. And in your dream, I saw me, wishing that all of it was true. And the dream disappeared very quick, just like how you disappeared in my life. But I didn't care🙂(😢😣😔i'm sorry)
last night in my dream i saw my parents bought a weighing machine and i was just crying it was brutal
All I saw in my dream were people talking about how terrible the fight was or how pissed they were about the fight I was convinced bcus it was boring Turns out the fight would go on to be cancelled and that's what people would be pissed about Honestly pretty crazy. Wow
Yesterday, i saw in my dream that i scored only 23/50 in pak studies and i was like what the heck is wrong with me since when i became this dumb that i cant even score good in a subject like pakistan studies? I was in shock. This is what university life does to you lmaooooo
Finally had darshan of mother. I couldn't control my emotions and cried out in front of her, people were staring at me. Anyway I feel much better now, like ton of weight is off my head. Her swarupa will never be erased from my memory, looks exactly I saw in my dream long ago.
the last thing i saw in my dream before i woke up was a white dolphin that turned into a white puppy.
Hey!☺ I hope this meets you well Last night it was the thought of you had before I slept I woke up to it again! I saw you in my dream Just you and I The stars were our witness As we held hands and walked under the moon I woke up wishing it was real But you are dating another😪
Some weeks ago I went clubbing alone and was having a good time until everyone started looking like him. Mehn I almost passed out. Last night, I saw him in my dream 😭 At this point I really want to move on. But I'm scared tho, what if that was my person? Will I find another?
I saw Fawad Khan in my dream last night and I just didn't want to wake up from it. It was too perfect.
I had the strangest dream🤧 Not the first time I’m having a dream like this though. I saw snakes in my dream and I’m soooo creeped out. I’m not a big fan of so many animals but nothing scares me more than reptiles especially snakes. I can’t even look at the emoji. It’s that bad
Mac Miller was in my dream last night/this morning and it’s got me feeling all kinds of things. I also saw him in my dream right after he passed; he was casually crossing the street by my house and we made eye contact and kept moving. I just sincerely miss him for some reason..
i saw in my dream that I was barricade on BTS concert and I gave taehyung a potato and I ate too ... 🥺
i jss saw my grandpa in my dream .🥺♥️ if it’s a sign and you trying to tell me something, lord lmk .♥️
As I was typing this I realized that the dog I saw in my dream was my dead dog and now I'm crying in real life
All I saw in my dream was terrorists' plan to attack and the dry run. See, the Lord just said it was a "dry run".
What I saw in my dream is that there was an earthquake and the Mt. Mayon erupted and there are so many casualties.
I saw snakes in my dream so I told my mom and she said that means I have enemies, so who here trynna fight ??? 😤👊
I saw Bizzleosikoya in my dream and he gave me a ps5, but the thing is I don't play games. Why did he give me a ps5?
I saw in my dream that david dobrik and scottysire came to surprise me and that was a very nice dream, I cried in it
Yesterday, I saw Riley in my Dream. And today, I saw Mommy Sonya and Daddy Dell in my dream 😍 omg! Curry Familiaaaa ❤
In my dream, of last night, I was walking through the shopping centre. I saw a lady on a large step ladder and was talking about breaking the record to large crowd of people. She has large placards (aided by assistants) of fingerspelling the alphabet. There was more helpers in the crowd to help get the handshapes exactly right. I left as they done the first run-through
I saw Hanbin in my dream 😭❤️ Gosh it was the prettiest dream I was seeing that they’re coming to Turkey for concert. I checked the source So somehow,I saw him and asked It’s 7, right?You’ll be there too? He smiled so bright and said yes I wish I stayed in dream a bit more😅
I saw BTS in my dream 😢i will probably never attend a concert but i dreamt that i was there taking videos of ARMY then i wanted to film the boys but i was scared that that flash is gonna hurt their eyes so i stopped but Hobi saw me and said smiling "it's okay,U can take a video"
The 1st thing I saw in my dream was that I was playing soccer underwater and I had scratches from a plant w/c i hve nver seen b4 in my whole life. When I went back to the surface, blood dripped all over the sea and I ran fr millions of weird looking fishes trying to eat me. WEIRD
Haven’t dreamt about my mom in a while so I asked her to show me she’s still around and sure enough I saw her in my dream last night, she didn’t say a single word.. she just kept smiling at me and also there was a bunch of food around so she for sure knows I miss her cooking 😂❤️
In my dream I saw taehyung turned around like what he did on the last of their 2nd teaser. When tomorrow came I wake up feeling weird and when I got the chance to see their video, I got goosebumps. I just saw that taehyung turned around likely of what I saw in my dream. Just wow.
I had been seeing dreams and living my life,and never know people could create this much. One day God said in my dream, now everything is going to be finished and i saw in my dream huge earthquake,I said, God. It was said, one more step around you by people will finish everything
I saw you in my dream finally, I was waiting for this since I knew that we see people we love in our dreams, maybe for 13 years, but I hope I didn't, literally, I was crying in my dream I saw you when we were 50 years old, you were with another man, I really excepted this before.
There was nothing specific, no direct detail, etc. That being said, what I saw in my dream seemed real. It came as announcement (I specifically remember in the dream that Risky herself was announced as a stage hazard, and she did stuff like throw bombs and whatnot) Who knows 🤷♂️
i saw my dad in my dream last night and the best part about it was the fact that he was talking to me and giving me advice.. that’s the first sign ive gotten from him since he’s been gone & it was so so needed, i woke up with tears in my eyes. it felt so real but wow i miss him🥺
The stables-like structure I saw in my dream had outer walls & roof all painted a brick-red. Many of the buildings at Sunnybrook Stables (near the Sherman's residence) are painted the same brick-red as the building in my dream. Not sure what meaning, if any, the stables may have.
I don’t speak about my Spiritual inclinations often, but something that my mommy said she saw on me (in the Spirit realm) manifested. Then Angel said she saw me transforming. The Lord showed up in my devotion last midnight & this morning. & I saw in my dream. I’m ascending! 🤗💕
I slept very hungry & saw bread in my dream, I took it & started eating. After I finished eating the bread, I saw a coconut & decided to finish it too but I didn't get a knife. So I decided to use my teeth. Unconsciously, I received a dirty strong slap from my elder brother.
It's a bit hard for me to describe it but I still remember what I saw in my dream. I am always curious. Why do I dream THIS ? Again and again ? Last spring it were car races & chases. Now rollercoasters & food. But it always has sth to do with fast, extreme things & funfair.
I saw ten in my dream & some ppl were talking about how short he is so i was like we’re gonna get a huge coat & you’ll sit on my shoulders so you’ll be tall & he was like. ok sure and everyone believed it and Guinness records was like u r the tallest man on earth can we talk to u
What I saw in my dream last night. Chaos, a huge lighting bolt frying someone to death. And I became frozen alive for some time Yea.. Idk 🤔
rüyamda #DillonFrancis i gördüm ya 🙈🙊🙈 I saw in my dream @DILLONFRANCIS 😍🙈😍
The new interest that I saw in my dream this morning is to be of help to those in need in my province.
OMG I saw him in my dream last night. There were huge dogs and some parade happening and idk 10 years later I saw him...IN MY DREAM.
I can't remember whose face I saw in my dream. But I remember wanting to say how much that person meant to me before leaving.💭
I saw in my dream that Niall walked right past me and I was too shocked to talk but he came back, he hugged me and we took some photos
Special SHOUTOUT to @d_problemsolver my empire is now getting the real international face that I saw in my dream.
Rüyamda okuldaydım.Sarı saçlı bir kadın vardı.Yanına gidiyordum .Onun yanında küçük çocuğu vardı.Çocuğun elinden tutup camın kenarına gittim. Okuldan arkadaşlarımı gördüm onlar camın dışındaydı.Çocuğu benim çocuğum sandılar.Daha sonra çocuğu annesinin yanına geri götürdüm.Kadınıda çocuğuda tanımıyordum.
Rüyamda Arkadaşlarımla beraber eğlence parkına gidiyorduk. Orda bir konferans salonu gibi bir yer vardı bize gösterileri izletirken bir yandan tabaklarımıza sırayla elma, salatalık, tekrar salatalık koydular. Sonra tabakları topladılar ve yemek geleceğini söylediler. Gösteri bitti herkes kalktı gitti yemek gelmedi. Bizde arkadaşlarla beraber kalktık çıktık. Arkadaşlarım para çekti ve Güzel bir bahçesi olan bir camiiye girdik.
Its is a day time and i have seen there is a high flyover and pillars of it are embeded in the deep water, its very deep and i am falling in the water and going deep and deep inside..and over that flyover a metro train goes.. i dont remember the time of my dream but roughly i guess it was around 6 am
Husband said, he had a dream snakes where biting chunks of meat from my body
What if all teeth at a time one after one a person sees is falling from her mouth. what does that indicates and this dream i have been dreaming free frequency since many years.
I dreamed of a big bird going in a closet, is there a meaning for that.
I had a dream I’m driving a car and I had a accident I hit a truck and I don’t even own a car I don’t even know how to drive it.
can you plz tell me whats the meaning of this i see a white scorpion sitting on my cats back n my brother catch it in my dream.
I have got one gold earning with white stones and asking for all saying whoes ring is this
I had dream last night I was fighting with my father and mother what does it mean Islamically. Thanks
Actually I dreamt of myself wanting to check on a girl that I do like which I headed to some place I considered as her home (even though its not the apartment I know her in, in real life) upon reaching I brought out my phone and called her and I started asking where she is and and so, which told me she’s reading her books and while doing that I entered a mosque which I know the mosque but its in a different country than the one we’re in presently which i and the girl never met there though we’re from the same country as to where the mosque is but we never met there, we met here were we’re schooling. So after entering the mosque I did saw her from a distance and people were kinda blocking my view but I did saw her putting her phone to her ear talking to me which i saw another class mate of mine which I and her have been in the same mosque in real life as the mosque is in a school which I and the girl that is my classmate attended but she has never met the girl i like nor know her in real life though they’re from the same state, so I noticed the classmate of mine was trying to draw out the girl telling her to stand up let them leave but she still refused and then the class mate of mine left her alone then she (the class mate) saw me by the door and spoke though i kinda spoke harshly a bit to her and we walked together till i met some other male classmates of ours beside the mosque then she left and i was with these guys gisting and never girl I liked come out of the mosque till I woke up for fajr prayer.
In my dream at around 02+ am, I was trying to escape from number of geckos which were trying to attack me. I was running very faster in between them and kept on chanting Ali Moula. At the extreme time as the land is not ending without geckos(all around geckos) still running faster, suddenly i was flying. Then i woke up as i was feared and i could hear i was shouting while i was as sleep and dreaming. Time when i woke up was: 02+ a.m. Few days ago I found a big snake in a head lifted high like in a attacking position and having milk (which was flowing from source less top WALL. Suddenly a dog like animal tries to attach that milk drinking snake but could not harm it. (*** I think the dog hurt or could not hurt other snake which was quite far away from milk drinking snake.) I am sure that the dog did not able to hurt that milk drinking snake.Please let me know the caution.
My dream is to be the best gynaecologist in the world❤
I saw the Witcher in my dream
Rüyamda babamı merdivenlerden inerken gördüm.Bende merdivenden yukarı çıkıyordum.O da beni gördü. Nereye gittiğimi sordu
Rüyamda liseden bir arkadaşımı gördüm. Elinde kalem vardı . Tamir edeceğim dedin etmedin dedi. Unuttuğumu söyledim. İsterse yapabileceğimi söyledim. Sonra sınava girdim. Soruları çözdüğüm defterde çözümlerin olduğu kağıt kayboluyordu.Ne kadar aradıysamda çözümleri bulamadım.
I saw that I went back in my dream today. I was in a wooden house. The house was not in good condition. #past
Sometimes I see I fall in my dream
Mostly I forget the contents of my dreams, it's boring 😕😕😕
I was dreaming at the concert
I'm dreaming at the airport.I wanted to sit in one of the cafes, and then I saw my friend in a cafe. I went and sat next to my friend. There were 4 of them at the table. then i missed my flight
hil l
Rüyamda kendimi ilkokulda ki sınıfımda gördüm . Ama küçük yaşta değildim . Hocama sınav kağıdımı göstermesi için kızıyordum . Daha sonra sınıfa başka bir hoca geldi. O hocaya çok fazla sayıda elma ve nar verdim . Yanında biri daha vardı. Bunu sınıfa dağıtalım dedi. Bende Ankarada ki bahçemizde bunlardan daha çok var diyerek kendime almadım . #Nar
Rüyamda bir tepeye tırmanıyorduk, tepede kepçe kullananlar elektrik direğine tırmanıyordu. Ve kendilerini çarptırıp bundan zevk alıyorlardı. Kardeşimle yukarı çıkınca kardeşim aksi davranmaya başladı. Zehirli bir şişeyi elinde tutuyordu. Bak bunu kullanma diyordum. Birden şişeyi tepesine dikti içindekini bitirdi. Bunları yapınca ben koşmaya başladım arkasından ama izini kaybettirdi. İki gündür gelmedi ve ben tepeden aşağı inip eve gittim. Kardeşime "gel" diye bağırdım 4-5 defa. Kardeşim gelmişti elinde de telefon vardı, oyun oynuyormuş. Sonra bir şamar vurdum sen nerdesin diye.
Rüyamda büyük oğlumun, diğer küçük oğlumun elini öptüğünü gördüm. #oğul #kardeş
Rüyamda kardeşimin inancını sorguluyordum ve onun neden Allah'a inanması gerektiğini söylüyordum. İşyerindeki muhasebeci o ortamdaydı ve beni engelliyordu. Hiç konuşmuyordu sadece olayı izliyordu. #din #allahinanci
Rüyamda otobüs yolculuğu yapıyordum , Şoför koltuğunun yanında oturuyordum ayaklarımı cama yaslamıştım. Kızlardan biri yanıma geldi ne güzel oturuyordun öyle dedi .Sonra otobüs yan yatmaya başladı . Korktum. Kız dedi ki sen öyle yatınca herkes öyle yattı ondan öyle oldu dedi. Sonra düzgün oturdum. Otobüs düzeldi. Otobüsün arka taraflarına doğru gittim yemek molası verecekmişiz. Yaşlı bir kadın kazıklara geçirilmiş kunduz gibi hayvanların derilerini yüzüyordu . İki tane adam geldi iki kazık daha fırlattı kadının önüne . Bunları mı yiyeceğiz diye şok oldum ve ordan uzaklaştım.
Rüyamda kardeşimin Allah’a inanmadığını gördüm. Kardeşim intihar etmeye çalışıyordu. Kurşunu betona sıkıp kendine değdirmeye çalışıyordu. Kurşun yanağını sıyırdı. Kardeşimin yanına gittim ve dedim ki canım kardeşim bak yaptığın yanlış, sana Allah’ın varlığını ispat edecek deliller veririm dedim. Sonra başladım saymaya geç saatlere kadar devam ettim sonra yataklarımıza yattık ve ona birkaç nasihatte bulundum. #allahainanmak #inanç #kardeş
Bir arkadaşımın gemisi vardı ve biz bu gemiyi limana yanaştırmak için bir makine kullanmalıydık. Makine elimizde yoktu kendi çabalarımızla yanaştırmaya ve bağlamaya çalıştık. Sonra bu gemi ile açıldık ama rüyamda ben arkadaşımın yerine geçmiştim kendim yoktum. Yolun üstünde çok geniş bir gemi gördük ve içine doğru girmeye başladık gemi u şeklindeydi. İçinde yanaşınca gemi batmaya başladı bir kenarına girip yukarı tırmanmaya başladım ve bizim gemimiz battı, artık tek başımaydım. Yukarı çıkınca bir şato olduğunu gördüm, oradaki askerler beni gördü ve yakalamak istediler ama benim duvarım oldukça inceydi nerdeyse düşsem ölürdüm. Yukarı çıktım ve sanırsam daha önce arkerler oraya çıkamamıştı, çıktığımda bir amacım oluştu, 3 tane kız kulesi vardı ve bunları korumam gerekiyordu. İkisine ulaştım bir tanesi kaldı, son kız kulesi bir mimberin üstündeydi. Sanırsam padişahın yaramaz çocuğu o kız kulesini öldürmek istiyordu. Buna padişah engel oldu. Benim 3. Kız kulesini korumama gerek kalmadı
dünkü rüyamda Rana ; ecem ve bana donat getiriyodu. yedikten sonra ağzımın kenarları çikolatalı oluyodu. ben de tuvalete gidip yıkadım. orda fatmayla karşılaştım ve sonra beraber dışarı çıktık (bahçeye) Norveçe gelmiştik. karlı dağlar vardı aslında isviçre gibiydi , ama rüyamda norveç diye geçiyor. ben uçabiliyordum, dağın zirvesine kadar uçtum sonra yaşlı bi adam bana soru sordu - Türkiyede kaç Dünya savaşı oldu +2 - hayır 3 tane. sen o zaman yaşamadığın için bilemezsin ben de tamam dedim aşağı, fatmanın yanına geri uçtum.
Rüyamda abimi gördüm , yeni işe başlamıştı. İyi bir unvanı vardı .
Rüyada gördüğüm bir gökdelenin tepesinde bir sürü siyah takım elbiseli adamlarla berber bekliyordum ve hepsi benim üstüme koştular ve bende kaçmaya çalışırken gökdelenin tepesinden atladım ve yere düştüğünde uyanmıştım
Rüyamda bütün aile toplanmış evimizin önünde yemek yerken bir ses duydum bu ses uçak sesiydi yakından geliyordu ve ona yaklaşmaya çalıştım ve uçak bizim evin önüne düştü tam anlamıyla düştü denmez ama pilot hayatta idi ben pilotla konuşmaya gittim ve ona dedim ki nereye gidiyorsun dedi ki Alaska'ya gidiyorum dedi ben de uçağı tamir etmesine yardım ettim ve dedim ki beni de götür ben hiç gitmedim dedim beraber uçtuk ve uykumdan uyandım
Büyük bir bayrağı yiğenime veriyorum. Buna sahip çıkacaksın, çoluğa çocuğa vermeyeceksin diyorum.
Rüyamda ablamı gördüm , şuanda çalıştığı yerden ayrılmış başka özel bir şirkette çalışmaya başlamıştı.
Rüyamda İngiltere kraliçesini gördüm , çok karışıktı
Rüyamda birkaç kişi ile birlikte yurt dışına çıkıyordum ama o insanları tanımıyordum.Valizimi almak için gittiğimde beni bırakıp gidiyorlardı. İnsanlara valizimi almam gerektiğini ama nasıl alacağımı soruyordum . Çok büyük bir havaalanıydı. Hostesler vardı onlara soruyordum. Koreli olan hostes benim sorumu çevirip insanlara soruyordu ama yanlış soruyordu. Yürüyen merdivenlerden yukarı çıktım.Market kasası gibi bir yer vardı oraya gittim , kasadaki insan bana kolyeler gösterdi.daha sonra üstünü değiştirip yanıma geldi ve beraber havaalanından çıkıyorduk. Rüyamdaki insanların hiçbirini tanımıyordum.
In my dream I was the Pied piper . There were very cute little houses and villages. There was a song written for everyone I knew.
My dream was too complicated . I do not remember exactly .There was a little cat in the hall. She was a very cute cat. I loves the cat but then I was afraid. My father brought the cat home 😻😹😸
Bugün rüyamda koştuğumu gördüm , bir yere yetişmek için koşmuyordum ama bir yere gitmek için koşuyordum . İnsanlara gitmek istediğim yeri sorduğumda tarif etselerde oraya nasıl gideceğimi soruyorlardı ve inanamıyorlardı. Gerçekten oraya mi gitmek istiyorsun diye. Hemen hemen geçtiğim heryerden birşeyler yiyerek geçtim
Bu gece rüyamda başka bir ülkede olduğumuzu ve kapıyı açmaya çalışırken yanıma köpeklerin geldiğini gördüm, birisi ayağımı ısırıyordu. Ensesinden tutup onu yan evin bahçesine attım. Sonra eve girdiğimde köpeği yatak odamda gördüm bu sefer penceremden attım.
Geçenlerde rüyamda dişimin ortadan ikiye bölündüğünü gördüm . Yatak odasının duvarında büyük bir delik vardı ve yan daire gözüküyordu. #diş #delik
Dün rüyamda yurt dışında bir avm deydim . Pembe kadife bir elbise ve mavi tonlarında perde vardı. #renklerinanlamıne
Rüyamda çiğ tavuk yediğimi gördüm . Yurt dışındaydım galiba Fransaydı
Dün rüyamda kendimi kalabalık bir ortamda gördüm , çok karmaşıktı
Gene askerlik
Rüyamda ördek civcivleri görüyordum, ama hepsi başıboş bir şekildeydi. Sonra büyük bir ördek geldi ve onları sahiplenmeye başladı tüm ördek civcivler onu takip ediyordu. Ancak tüm civcivleri kanadının altına alamıyordu. Çok fazla civciv vardı. Birden gece oldu ve hepsi anne ördeğin yanında uyuya kaldı. En arkalara doğru giderken bir kedi gördüm kedi bir ördeği yemiş sindirmeye çalışıyordu. Kediyi tutmaya çalışır çalışmaz kedi tırnaklarını geçirip kimseye söylemeyeceksin diye uyardı. Ben geri çekilmeye çalışınca daha güçlü bir şekilde batırdı tırnaklarını ve kediye tamam dedim. Ve oradan gitmek zorunda kaldım.
Rüyamda muzip olan bir arkadaşım şaka yapmak için yoldan geçen bir polise bizim defin işlemimiz var yardım eder misiniz diyor. Biz de kabul etmeyeceğini düşünüyoruz ama adam saf bir şekilde kabul ediyor. Arabanın içinde sahte tahtadan mezar taşı falan var. Neyse biraz ilerliyoruz şaka olduğunu söylemek yerine başka bahaneler bularak polisin gitmesini istiyoruz. Polis gitmiyor, yolda bir yerde duruyoruz arabadan inip biz bir şeyler alıp geleceğiz diyoruz. Arkadaşımla köprünün üstünde durumu tartışıyoruz, ben senin yüzünden yine işe geç kaldım diyip yakınıyorum. Neyse polise bir bahane bulup köprüden aşağı sarkıyorum geçebilir miyim diye. Köprüyü elimle büküp eğebiliyorum. Sonra ben ve arkadaşım aşağı inebiliyor.
Rüyamda yılan gördüm #yilannn
Bi ara sevdiğim çocuğu görmüştüm hepsi bu
Uzun zaman önceydi aslında.. anneme ilaç almam için birinin verdiği emirleri yerine getirmem gerekiyordu. Gözlerinin rengi gri olduğu için ona "gri lens" demiştim. Ama rüyamda bana gözlerimin rengi gerçek deyip durmuştu. Neyse ben onun her istediğini yaptım. En son bana ilacı vereceği görevi de yaptıktan sonra yanına gittiğimde o gitmişti. Her yere baktım hatta uyanınca belki yine görürüm diye uyumaya çalıştığımı hatırlıyorum.. enteresandı. Ama ben ha bir insanın gözlerini o denli gri olabileceğine inanmıyorum. Neredesin Gri Lens??? #grilens #gri #lens #rüya #ilaç #anne #
Merhaba ben bir ay içinde 3 defa aynı rüyayı gördüm Her seferinde bir paraşüt ile tek başıma atlıyordum bunun sadece bir rüyadan ibaret olduğunu ya da psikolojik durumla ilgisi olduğunu nasıl ayırt edebilirim?
Anne ben senin oğlunum Kanayan bir yurdum var Anne ben senin oğlunum Sönmeyen bir umudum var Ellerimi tutma ne olur Beni ağlatma ne olur Anne ben senin oğlunum Bu kavgaya inancım var
Rüyamda delirmiş bir çocuğu kucağıma alıp onun diğer insanlara vurmasını sağlıyordum. Sonra yaptığımın yanlış olduğunu anladım ve özür diledim. Bir hocam da beni tutuklamak için aşağı çağırdı ben o hocamdan da özür diledim ama hala beni tutuklamaya götürmekte ısrar ediyordu. En son vardığımız yerde beni polis kıyafeti giymiş insanlar karşıladı ve beni bir kabine koyup tazyikli su ile yıkamaya başladılar o an uyandım.
Bu gece rüyamda yeşim hanımın oğluna sarılırken düşüp kafasını vurduğunu ve benim de bir türlü ambulans ayarlayamadığımı gördüm
Komodo ejderi beni kovalıyordu.
Yıllar önce binlerce ölü bebek görmüştüm. Sonra da yıkık harabe bir bina gördüm.
Resim için kalıcı bağlantı yolu
Rüyamda şirketteki arkadaşlarımdan birisinin işten çıkarıldığını gördüm. Bu kişi liderlerden birisiydi. Lider olan diğer arkadaşım ile anlaşamadıkları için çıkarılmıştı.
Rüyamda çok büyük bir salondaydım , dolmabahçe sarayının büyük salonlarına benziyordu. Büyük lüks kanepeler ve tarihi eserlerle doluydu. Salona giriyordum . Koltuklara doğru baktığım da yaşlı birkaç tane adamın oturduğunu gördüm. Ortam ve adamların giyinişleri 1960-1970 ler gibiydi. Büyük bir davet var gibiydi . Bende gidip koltuğa oturdum . Kafamı çevirdiğimde Ablamda yan tarafımda oturuyordu. Eskiden tanıdığım bir arkadaşımın içeri girdiğini gördüm . Delirmiş gibi davranıyordu. Tavana bakarak yürüyor garip garip tepkiler veriyordu . #rüya #eskiler #davet #kalabalık #1960 #1960 #Deli
Rüyamda birkaç tane kadının bulunduğu bir yerdeydim. Çok sinirliydim. Karşımda duran kadına kaç yıldır burada emek veriyorum ben , senin haberin var mı? En son 2 yıl önce tatile çıktım diye kızıyordum. #rüya #tatil #kızmak
Annemlerle bir dağdan inmemiz gerekiyordu, annem bir uçurumun yanından iple tutunup geçmek istiyordu ben karşı çıktım ama dinlemedi. Annem çok tehlikeli hareketler yaparak geçti aşağı doğru koşarak indi. Sıra bana geldi, ben başta gerili olmayan köprüden geçip düşecektim beni kardeşlerim uyardı, durdum. Sonra köprüyü gerdiler ve ben de aşağı koşarak inebildim. Dağından inince çok yoruldum yoldan geçen bir şehirlerarası otobüse bindim. Otobüsün içerisinde uyuya kalmışım. Bir de baktım kı Şarkışladayım, indim ve etrafı gezmeye başladım.
Rüyamda garip bir yaratığı avlamak için toplanmıştık, onlarca insan öldü ve bir anda canavar geri çekildi. Biz de canavarın bulunduğu mağaraya girdik ancak canavar yoktu. Ve bir yiyecek deposu bulduk. Daha fazla insan bulmak için depodan ayrılmadık orada sayımızın artmasını bekledik. Sayımız artınca yer yüzüne çıktık ve hiçbir şey bulamadık. Herkes dağıldı.
Rüyalar aleminde gezinti içerisindeydim birden yollar yok oldu ve dümdüz bir yol belirdi. Yolun az ilerisinde bir köpek vardı ve köpeğe doğu yaklaştıkça köpek benimle aynı ölçüde benden uzaklaşıyordu. Geri gittiğimde ise köpek duruyordu. Bir şey olmuyordu. Sanki köpekle ben aynı kutuplu mıknatıslar gibiydik. Bunu önlemek için yoldan çıkıp köpeğin diğer tarafına geçip köpeğe yaklaşmak istedim ancak yoldan da bir türlü çıkamıyordum. Rüyamın sonuna kadar köpeği ite ite gittim ve bir sonuca varamadım. Gördüklerim beni şaşırttı. Uyanınca garip hissettim.
Bir gün arka bahçemizdeyim ailecek oturuyoruz ve konuşuyoruz. İyi bir gün yani. Durumlar iyiyken birden beyaz vahşi bir kedi beliriyor ben kedi ile savaşmaya gidiyorum ve kediye vuruyorum. Kediye öyle şiddetli vuruyorum ki kedinin öleceğini düşünüyordum ama kedi yerinden bile kımıldamıyor. Bana vuracağını düşündüm ve çok korktum yavaş yavaş geri çekilmeye başladım. Ancak kedi hiç ani hareket yapmadan hırıldanarak bana doğru geliyordu. Ve bu korku ile rüyamdan uyandım.
Rüyamda Karşıyaka taş köprüsünden geçiyordum, etrafa baktığımda sanki deniz kadar geniş olduğunu gördüm bir de gün batımı vardı, etraf gerçekten güzeldi. Tabi bu rüyayı çocukken görmüştüm şimdi değil :)
Bir gün buluşuyoruz stadyumun orda bir yerde ancak dedemin arabasıyla gitmişiz bir masada oturup konuşuyoruz, neyse bir anda annen baban geliyor ben selam falan veriyorum, bir anda dedem de beliriyor. Sizinkiler gezmek istiyor ben de arabamız ileride gidelim efendim diyorum, yolda yürürken annemi arıyorum sizin telefonlarınız hiç çaldımı falan diyorum, annem farkına varıyor olayın ama gelemiyorlar. Sonra arabaya binmeden dedem diyorki gitmeyelim pikniğe falan gaz yakacak, sonra sinirleniyorum ama bir şey demiyorum.
Rüyamda görümcemin kırmızı renkli bir ayakkabı giydiğini gördüm #rüya #kırmızı #ayakkabı #görümce
Rüyamda Anneme deniz mahsulleri yediriyordum. #rüya #deniz
Rüyamda dişlerimin avucuma döküldüğünü gördüm #rüya #diş
Rüyamda badem ağacından badem koparıp badem yediğimi gördüm. #rüya #badem
Rüyamda denize girdim , deniz çok sakindi ve çok güzeldi. #rüya #deniz
Rüyamda yılan gördüm ve onu parçalayıp ateşe koydum #yılan #ruya #ateş
Rüyamda Ajda Pekkanı gratiste gördüm. #rüya #ajdapekkan
Rüyamda banyoda kocaman bir soba ve kazan vardı. #rüya #banyo #kazan #soba
Rüyamda ablam hamileydi #rüya #abla
Burnumun kanadığını gördüm #kan #rüya
Rüyamda çok kalabalık bir ortamdaydım #rüya #kalabalık
Rüyamda 3 yaşlı kadın vardı. #Yaşlıkadın #rüya
Rüyamda Kız kardeşim çanta almış, bu tür çantaların çok ucuz gözükeceğini söyledim #çanta #rüya #kardeş #kızkardeş
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