I had a dream about me and this guy Conner so it was really werid like I went to this weird looking camp place and we were like going on a field trip and my mom was the chaperone for my group and my group had Conner in it I didn’t know the other ppl but she was talking to Conner and asking him questions and she asked him if he had a gf and he said yes but I’m the dream he wasn’t dating Leah he was dating this Hispanic girl but she looks really messy and then my mom walked away to put something in the car and me and Conner started talking idk what we talking about but that the end he said something like “Yea I’m with her but I’d rather choose you” or something like that and that girl he was with what really crazy and controlling. But he broke up with her on trip and she got mad at me and her and her two friends tired to fight be but one of them just stood there and the other was blond and she had brown hair so I started fighting her and like everything and everyone was going crazy they hit me they almost won but I grabbed the mirror off the wall and hit the Hispanic girl like a lot and she ran out looking for her parents while crying and then the blond girl I hit her like twice but it like didn’t so much but she still ran out too but the hall was a mess crazyyyy mess too. But the halls were crowded and everything and then they called the police on and her parents were trying to find me and they had a police officer too trying to find me but I got out before they could find me and thennnnnn I hoped this fence but this girl was there too she had ran away from it too and we heard something coming to she threw her stuff over the fence so I could get it from her and she got over but we looked over and it was only this other girl with brown red hair so she came along with us and we got to a store bc we were hungry and thirsty but we had to hide on a shelve bc we saw one of the Hispanic girls friends who was on the room with her when I was hitting her with the mirror and then I think I was dreaming in my dream. Idk but then like a year later like a couple months has passed I said sorry too everybody and they didn’t press charges I forgot what Conner did but he did something bad and he went to a boot camp but he had got back and I saw him but i was with my mom and dad and my friends from the crazy night but we got back to the summer camp place and we order the breakfast and I was the Hispanic girl was back too and her mom was being super nice to me but we where all good bc I said srry to them and yea that’s were my dream left off_- 2/24/24
My name is Sophie
Sophie Scanes
License and multiple cameos Went to get my license renewed in Lawrence but didn’t bring any of my information with me and so they basically had to just turn me around and tell me to go home. Problem is I walked there, so I now had to walk all the way back on my own. It was about 5 miles. I decided to run, because that felt better than walking. I was going to go through this woodsy area, but I quickly decided not to when I saw a bobcat with antlers in the path. As I was running, Josh Ryan (kid from my high school) yelled my name from behind me on the road. He was biking and recognized me from behind. He slammed on the breaks right next to me and was like omg what’s UP man. I was honestly stoked to see him and I was kind of surprised that he recognized me and felt comfortable enough to say hi. He asked why I was running and I explained that I didn’t have a ride. He couldn’t give me one cause he was biking but he kind of walked with me for a while until we had to go separate ways. I kept running and it started to rain. I was on 15th street heading towards campus. Olivia Vanleburg from the 1st grade ran up to me from behind. She was also on a run. She was wearing real cats around her ankles as if they were socks, and one of them reached out and scratched me pretty bad (her cat was the first one to ever scratch me in real life so this makes sense) She was passing by my house anyways, so she ran with me all the way home. It was pouring rain by the time we made it home. Cena also was there all of a sudden when we got to the house. It was a really shitty house and had a ton of leaks in it and was super rickety and weird. Anna was outside trying to hang something up on the porch. I gave her “sorry I didn’t tell you people were coming over” eyes and then showed Olivia and Cena around the house. They thought it was the cutest thing ever even though it looked like trash tbh. Eventually they left and there were a few random people in the house all of a sudden. One of them was Isabella Perkins. She was really rude to me at first but then after a minute she decided to do my makeup and help me upgrade my looks. She had me do a series of lip glosses which were meant to layer into something really nice. It was like 5 of them so I was feeling very goopy. She also did something to make my forehead look smaller and something to make my eyes look better. She tried putting a white powder on my nose and under-eyes but I thought it looked like shit. Sydney Fox was there eventually, even though she didn’t say much or do much.
Jo and Ethan in my mothers house Came into consciousness in my mother’s bathroom. I felt as though I had been insanely high the night before. I didn’t remember anything about how I got there and, despite wearing day clothes, I could tell it was the morning and that I had not slept anywhere but had just been standing in this bathroom all night. When I walked out, Jo and Ethan were laying on my mom’s gross red couch. They had slept there. I couldn’t tell if Jo was really Jo at first, but then the dream kinda just cleared up and it wasn’t a question anymore. Both Esther, John, and my mom were completely gone. I have no idea why or where they were. I felt embarrassed that I had been in the bathroom that whole time because like that’s such a weird thing to do and they must have noticed and said something about it to each other. Anna was no where to be found. I asked Jo and Ethan if they had seen her but they both just looked really concerned and said no. I tried pulling up her location but she had completely blocked me for some reason and I couldn’t see anything. My head was spinning and trying to understand why the fuck I couldn’t remember anything from the night before and why the fuck we were in my mom’s house. I went outside in a panic and for some reason walked over to my neighbors house, Susan Taylor. I didn’t go in but I did stand outside for a minute and talked with her adult daughter, asking if she’d seen Anna leave or anything. She said no, and kept trying to keep up the conversation even though I really wanted to go. When I got back to the house, Jo and Ethan were still on the red couch and I felt incredibly embarrassed for how it probably smelled and felt. I felt embarrassed about the whole house but I couldn’t really say anything at this point because they had already slept there. I thought a lot about how in gods name I would explain this to Aubree or Hannah. How the FUCK did I not remember anything??? It didn’t seem like me to completely forget the previous night, and it made me feel super out of control and panicked. The overarching theme of the dream was just pure panic. I think we went to get McDonalds or something and I played it off enough to just get out of the situation and go home. Wanted to actually pass away. When I woke up I was like surprised that this one was a dream which normally isn’t how I feel about it.
Awful Threesome — TW: sexual assault lol Okay TERRIBLE dream and I just want to say this was NOT ENJOYABLE AND ALSO VERY VULNERABLE TO SHARE. Trigger warning for sexual assault. Got roped into having a threesome with Sara Sparling and some guy she was dating in the dream named Michael. There wasn’t a lot of lead up, it was just like all of a sudden we were all naked and having sex. Michael had gross ass lips and just like weakly slugged his tongue around in a way that made me want to vomit. I hated being naked in that scenario and wanted to escape so bad but felt like I couldn’t. He “fingered” me and it was so bad I basically couldn’t feel anything at all, like couldn’t even tell if he was inside me. At one point I reached down to feel and realized he was pulling his penis out of me and had come INSIDE ME. When I asked him if he’s used a condom he said no and laughed and thought it was really funny. I hadn’t even known he had started fucking me. I did not find it funny. I told him I was ovulating and would almost certainly get pregnant from this. He kept laughing and said that would suck for me, but he’d be gone so he didn’t really care. At this point I got up to try to shower it off and clean myself up and realized that the bedroom door was opened, and at the end of the hall was Mrs Sparling who had watched the whole sexual experience and was still staring at me standing naked. She didn’t move and didn’t say anything. Sara also laughed and said nothing. The bathroom I went to was my childhood house’s bathroom. It was disgusting.
In a city that was on a mountain/hill and had lots of steep roads & roads that went into the mountain etc basically lots of intertwined confusing places and was a huge city. I lived by myself in a little apartment thing in a slums area. Everyone could move very fast somehow? Like slide and grapple around.(fortnite? Lol). Anyways i made friends with this girl and i saw her go into this little hiking trail thing so i went in after she had left. When i went in my entire vision/the environment became a watercolour painting and it was hard to move because the frames of the paintings were slow. I saw a box at the end of the trail so i struggled forward to it and there was a cat inside. I wanted to take the cat but then my friend told me to stop and that the cat was actually a guy who had been transformed into a cat. I didn’t believe her so then i told the cat “run over to that rock if you’re not actually a cat” and he transformed into a rabbit and ran over to the rock. So i let her take the cat and she somehow transformed it into a regular guy again. Some time later my friends(idk who they were) and I had to help this other guy from being captured by an evil dude. The guy we were helping was middle aged and had brown hair and a beard. The evil guy was wearing purple and had purple eyes and also had a beard. We travelled by mine carts which were all over the city, and when i was travelling i saw some kid who had fallen out of his mine cart and was hanging on a ledge, so i stopped to help him. Then i saw the evil guy after the kids had left so i hid in a cave/mineshaft thing that was above him. Then the good guy appeared to fight him. He tried to negotiate but the purple guy attacked him. I looked for ways to help and i found two pieces of dynamite attached by a string. I threw them down at where he was standing and then flung toward the wooden structure he was standing on, but he caught them and looked me directly in the eyes while he let them explode in like a weird cinematic way and he dodged it all. So then i was scared and hid. He ended up knocking out the good guy and was taking him in a mine cart somewhere so i followed them. They got to this giant mountain that apparently was alive and also didnt like the good guy, but it was suuuper slow at moving. The purple guy took him to the side of the mountain that was facing away from the city and towards this huge drop. Like we were above the clouds kind of high up. Then he put him in the mountain in this little slot and he started turning into stone. There were a bunch of other stone statues of people in the side of the mountain. My friends and i helped break him out of the stone after the purple guy had left. Then he started walking up these narrow stairs to get back up to the city. The mountain wanted to stop him so it was trying to crush him with stone as he walked up, but it was too slow and the stone came down just behind him. He got to the top and was chased by the purple guy and some henchmen people. He was captured and put into some other place and turned to stone AGAIN and we were put in there with him. This time it was a big round stone room and there were monuments/weird lifelike statues of everyone. For some reason mine was just a clone of me in a small pool of water who was swimming around and chilling. Then the henchmen guys appeared and one of them was saying he was going to get a degree in slapping women’s butts or something so i jumped him and dug my nails into his skull but i didn’t kill him. I made friends with my clone and im not sure what happened after that. Woke up
Levi Geertsma
Was in some weird video game world but it was real life. I was at someones house and it was like 8 stories high with a giant drop in the middle by the stairs. I was with a friend and we found this cat that needed help so we took it to this guy inside the house who was a vet. He helped the cat and as soon as the cat woke up it bit me ankle and clawed me because it was scared and the pain felt real. Then a pack of rabid cats and dogs started chasing me through the house, i was running really fast and closing doors behind me so they wouldnt catch up. I ran all the way up to like the 5th floor and lost them. I was sleeping on some bed but then i heard someone coming and somehow jumped out the window with the bed and glided on it really far away. Now the dream was in 3rd person. I climbed up a dead tree and when i got to the top bugs started attacking me so i glided away(?) again. I was really hungry and i came to some random farm house, so i thought i could steal eggs or something but the woman who lived there saw me. I couldnt get anything so i started leaving, but for some reason i decided to ding dong ditch the house before i left. The husband of the woman opened the door and saw me running away and started shooting at me with a shotgun. I jumped because we were on a hill and got enough air to start gliding . I swerved around to try and dodge his bullets and eventually went around a corner of tree so he couldnt see me anymore. I kept gliding for really long and found a bunch of houses next to eachother with other players in them who were all afk. There were house plots in some places that were highlighted blue. I landed on one of them and got the boring default house. Woke up
Ivan Moody
Cory G.
Ayı gördüm
Özgür Gürdağ
Jatt Jee
Flowers Hhh
Jack ma
Μαλακα στο ονειρο μου ειδα την ολυμπια να φιλιέται μαζι εμ τον κοροματζο μπροστά μου μαλκαα Ειμασσταμ στο σπιτι της Ολυμπίας και ειχε τον αγαπημένο μου καιρο και εγω καθόμουν στο κρεβάτι τις και αυτη στην καρέκλα της και ο κορο πιο πέρα δκ καν γιατι τον ειχε καλεσει αλλα τεσπα αυτος φενοταν πτι την ηθελε αλλα αυτη δεν έδωσε σημασια εντομεταξυ τα ειχε με τον βασιλη αυτη και σε καποια φαση κατι γινεται και χερομαι καο οι 2 πολυ και κάθεται ο κοροματζος πανω στην ολυμπια στην καρέκλα και αγκαλιάζονται και την φιλάει και της κανει με το δάχτυλο απλα δείχνει το χείλι της και της ειπε να σε φιλήσω;και αυτη δεν θυμαμαι τι ειπε καλα αλλα φιλήθηκαν πεταχτό και εμενα απο εκει και μετα μου χάλασε φουλ η διάθεση γιατι ειχα πολυ καλη διάθεση οπως και η ολυμπια περνούσαμε Τελεια και μολις εγινε αυτο ημουν σαν καταρρακωμένη πραγνατοκα και μετα νταξ εφυγα προφανώς και σε καποια φαση η ολυμπια μου ελεγε πως ξερει πως τον ηθελα και πως νιώθει άσχημα και ειχε βουρκώσει αλλα τον φιλούσε καταταλα. Εμενα ο κοροματζος μου φερόταν σαν να μην υπήρχα μονο μια φορα παιζει να μου ειπε περσε για να κανω αλλα αυτο
Angel J.O.Brown
i saw in my dream that one day Nigeria would be better than China.
Actually I dreamt of myself wanting to check on a girl that I do like which I headed to some place I considered as her home (even though its not the apartment I know her in, in real life) upon reaching I brought out my phone and called her and I started asking where she is and and so, which told me she’s reading her books and while doing that I entered a mosque which I know the mosque but its in a different country than the one we’re in presently which i and the girl never met there though we’re from the same country as to where the mosque is but we never met there, we met here were we’re schooling. So after entering the mosque I did saw her from a distance and people were kinda blocking my view but I did saw her putting her phone to her ear talking to me which i saw another class mate of mine which I and her have been in the same mosque in real life as the mosque is in a school which I and the girl that is my classmate attended but she has never met the girl i like nor know her in real life though they’re from the same state, so I noticed the classmate of mine was trying to draw out the girl telling her to stand up let them leave but she still refused and then the class mate of mine left her alone then she (the class mate) saw me by the door and spoke though i kinda spoke harshly a bit to her and we walked together till i met some other male classmates of ours beside the mosque then she left and i was with these guys gisting and never girl I liked come out of the mosque till I woke up for fajr prayer.
hil l
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